Cage hens: during the hearing before the State Council, the public reporter proves NGOs right

Breeding and food | Tuesday 14 November 2023
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Bear scaring: the weeks pass by and nothing changes in Ariège...

Breeding and food, Wildlife | Tuesday 01 August 2023
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Brown bears in Ariège: faced with a disloyal opponent, the Prefecture, One Voice has obtained a hard-fought suspension of the decrees

Breeding and food, Wildlife | Tuesday 25 July 2023
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One Voice has had all of the prefectural decrees that allow the scaring of brown bears in Ariège suspended!

Wildlife, Habitat naturel , Hunting, Breeding and food | Wednesday 24 August 2022 | 17
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A radiant first victory for One Voice for the Pyrenean Brown Bears!

Hunting, Breeding and food, Wildlife | Friday 05 August 2022 | 12
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In Ariège, bears are being shot at to make them run away... Hearing in Toulouse on 27 July and 8 August 2022

Wildlife, Breeding and food | Tuesday 26 July 2022 | 6
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Pleas and unpublished images from One Voice on pheasants and partridges being bred for hunting in La Peyratte

Hunting, Breeding and food | Wednesday 06 July 2022 | 15
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