The wolf is sitting at the top of the summit. A large dark furred Alpha male, his chest is pushed forward in a solemn pose. He fixes his two yellow ey...
In France, minks are exploited in the luxury fur industry. Shut in tiny cages, their life is a living hell from their birth until their brutal end.
Like humans, non-humans are capable of feeling pleasure or aversion. This is scientifically confirmed by the latest studies on 'sentience' in animals:...
In the game "The Xtreme zone", humans make the choice to inflict an electric shock on one of the players. But for animals, a similar experience produc...
Interview with Albert Lopez, the former trainer of orca Ulysses and dolphins from the Barcelona Zoo and the Dolphinarium of Oltremare: the revelations...
One Voice Campaign: After Valentine's death caused by a 2-meter wave submerging Marineland, we are mobilizing for captive cetaceans!
One Voice is mobilizing to denounce the latest exploitation of dolphins for the needs of a television entertainment show in Portugal.
Press release
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