Following what we consider to be a miscarriage of justice, the tribunal has urgently suspended these new decrees from the Ariège Prefect opposing bear...
The Ariège Prefecture has just issued a new decree against bears. One Voice is demanding the resignation of the Prefect and an immediate referral to t...
During an international congress on animal testing in Marseille, certain speakers managed not to choke on their own lies.
In Ariège, seven prefectural decrees authorised scaring shots near and on brown bears that live on in the Pyrenees during the 2022 season. They have b...
In mid-June, One Voice witnessed an international congress on animal testing in Marseille on the subject of ‘communication’. First post to take stock ...
Even though many businesses and universities worldwide are committed to no longer practising forced swimming tests, the industry resists.
Hainan Airlines has recommenced the transportation of monkeys for animal testing, despite having announced that they would give up these shipments in....
Victory by default in Aisne and Gard: the Prefects have changed their decrees authorising an additional period for underground badger hunting with hou...
One Voice and its partners, Action for Primates and Stop Camarles, have recognised Egyptair's decision to stop sending monkeys to laboratories.
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