For the first time, the French Constitutional Council could recognize the constitutional value of animal welfare. Hearing on February 4 at 3pm.
After nine years of proceedings, the courts decide not to prosecute a breeder of Angora rabbits mutilated for their hair.
The court ruled in favor of ELLE for its anti-fur stance and in favor of One Voice for its support of the brand.
Two years after it came into force, One Voice makes an alarming assessment of the 2021 law, which is supposed to provide better protection for animals...
One Voice is filing a complaint against Leboncoin in response to new illegal adverts, this time relating to protected animals.
As the populations of larger whales are being driven to extinction, whalers are turning to smaller species. Japan has been launching fleets to hunt mi...
One Voice leads a nonviolent fight to defend animal rights and respect all life forms. The organization operates independently and is thus free to spe...
One Voice presents ... A parade without cruelty, organized by ACTAsia, our partner in China! In Shanghai, the fashion will be CrueltyFree !
In France, minks are exploited in the luxury fur industry. Shut in tiny cages, their life is a living hell from their birth until their brutal end.
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