The association CIWF has just published the terrible images of its investigation into cattle transport from Europe to Turkey. France, who is a major p...
Press release
A baby dolphin has just been born at Planète Sauvage (Wild Planet), in Port-Saint-Père, France. But what does destiny hold for this little slave? One ...
His ex-wife fled to escape his violent behaviour. But for the dog and the 200 pigs in his farm, what is the outcome? One Voice is fighting for them, t...
The story of Jambu is a true story. This is the story of the last orangutans of Borneo, driven out of their forests by palm oil farmers.
On August 29, 1996, 67,488 sheep perished at sea during the fire of the cargo ship which was transporting them.One Voice is a partner in CIWF's World ...
Born in captivity, Galeo should be a happy dolphin, according to an upcoming ministerial decree regulating dolphinariums in France. One Voice is askin...
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