Press release
Protest along with One Voice for Russia to stop the trafficking of cetaceans to Chinese dolphinariums!
In Yulin, known for its dog meat festival, our partner ACTAsia teaches Chinese veterinarians that animals suffer and need compassion
One Voice leads a nonviolent fight to defend animal rights and respect all life forms. The organization operates independently and is thus free to spe...
While researchers continue to prove the incredible intelligence of elephants, circuses continue to exploit them. #LibertéPourLesEléphants
As part of our complaint against the breeding in Emagny, we had a bailiff certify the presence of mink while this farm has been "closed". This is an u...
Do you remember last year when Willy Schraen was angry with Nicolas Hulot's office? He was unsuccessful in obtaining the right to kill the Greylag goo...
At Queue-en-Brie, a sympathizer of One Voice has again been assaulted by circus people. She was campaiging peacefully for circuses without animals.
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