In May 2023, One Voice organised the rescue of Stella, a wolfdog who was at risk of being slaughtered in France.
In Vendée, a kennel for hunting with hounds has been keeping dozens of dogs illegally for several years.
The Pau Administrative Tribunal has just rejected our two pleas and those by the LPO. Why would we need to worry about birds?!
One Voice will be at the Bordeaux Administrative Court of Appeal to force the prefect to rescue abused “hunting” dogs.
As per their emergency interim proceedings, One Voice is getting to the root of the decree that lists species likely to cause damage and is raising aw...
Tribunals are suspending decrees for “traditional” hunting trials in Gironde, Lot-et-Garonne, and Ardennes.
One Voice is applying to the National Consultative Ethics Committee for animal testing to get animals’ voices heard.
At the Montuban tribunal, One Voice is giving birds that are poached by illegal traditional hunting methods a voice.
Press release
Joint press release from: Association Justice Animaux Savoie (AJAS), ASPAS, Animal Cross, AVES, FNE Savoie, and One Voice.
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