Do you remember last year when Willy Schraen was angry with Nicolas Hulot's office? He was unsuccessful in obtaining the right to kill the Greylag goo...
At Queue-en-Brie, a sympathizer of One Voice has again been assaulted by circus people. She was campaiging peacefully for circuses without animals.
Press release
Freed from the circus thanks to the mobilization of citizens, Maya has started a new life, in Italy, under our attentive gaze and that of our local pa...
A pregnant mare was killed in her meadow, cartridges found on the ground. It's another "accident" of hunting. One Voice presses charges for Connemara.
The last shows of the 2018 season at the Asterix Park dolphinarium have taken place, in almost freezing conditions. Femke and the other dolphins will ...
The Mercantour National Park has authorized herders to perform scaring, to scare the wolves out of the heart of the park and out of the sanctuary area...
In a village in Vaucluse, pigeons and cats are being targeted by rifles in the city. Acts of cruelty that also put the human community in danger.
One Voice leads a nonviolent fight to defend animal rights and respect all life forms. The organization operates independently and is thus free to spe...
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