Millions of children are waiting with impatience for the release of the film, “Finding Dory”, on the 17th of June 2016. But this global curiosity coul...
When Harambe saw the young boy fall down into his enclosure at the Cincinnati zoo, he went straight to him. A human child or a gorilla child, to Haram...
Banned in more than 30 towns, the end of the exploitation of animals in circuses seems more inevitable than ever before.
Monitored by One Voice for ten years now, Mr. P has been keeping dozens of horses in criminal conditions, with some dying as a result. After two seizu...
Every year, thousands of famished horses are driven to the slaughterhouse over long distances. This transportation is as cruel as their slaughter. Ten...
One Voice investigators have gathered terrible images of ongoing practices in ‘livestock’ markets. The brutality they document is the cause of much su...
We would like to thank the Members of Parliament Francis Hillmeyer and Laurence Abeille! Finally, thanks to their efforts, the 'Link' issue raised by ...
Not yet 4, this little boy's mother went out leaving him alone in his bed, with his pet's bodies lying nearby. She was given a conditional prison sent...
Our investigations into Chinese zoos have revealed appalling cruelty. In the run up to the Beijing Olympics in 2008 we exposed what goes on in Chinese...
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