The ba&sh brand has today been rewarded for banning fur by joining the Fur Free Retailer programme.
One Voice is asking for two decrees authorising the massacre of thousands of Western jackdaws in Brittany to be suspended.
One Voice and its partners have once again had the prefectural decree authorising the killing of 160 ibex in Bargy by 2030 suspended.
Grouped under this label, as unfair as it is scandalous, foxes, martens, jays, and many other animals trying to survive in our threatened natural spac...
Judges have suspended the additional period for badger digging in fourteen departments.
One Voice is asking for the cancellation of the 20 June 2022 ministerial decree authorising bear scaring in the Pyrenees.
One Voice has had two decrees cancelled that authorised hunting during lockdown in Loire-Atlantique and Maine-et-Loire.
The European Citizens’ Initiative asking for the end of fur in the EU has obtained 1,502,319 validated signatures.
Two rallies against the transfer of orcas from Marineland to Japan and an appeal hearing for an independent expert.
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