Animals in rodeos are not 'artists' but terrified puppets that are subjected to suffering before reaching the abbatoir.
From deer breeding to slaughter. An unpublished investigation.
We filmed Kiska at MarineLand Canada in October 2021 doing violent back and forth movements from left to right near the glass at the shallow end of th...
Our investigators returned to Germany to see how Dumba is doing. Even though her life is no longer hellish, it’s also far from being heavenly.
One Voice has revealed images from MarineLand Canada taken just before the closure of the dolphinarium and an expert’s report.
Moana is dying a slow death in filthy water at Marineland in Antibes. We are filing a complaint against the dolphinarium.
In recent months, animal protection groups Action for Primates (UK), One Voice (France) and Stop Camarles (Spain), have spearheaded a campaign across ...
Nouveau Cirque Triomphe is forbidden to own any feline. However, it has four, and is trampling all over the law. We investigated and re-launched the a...
In October, the Muller circus offered to pet two tiger cubs for money. We are initiating two legal proceedings.
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