Press release
Unpublished: survey images once again show the nightmare lived by mink on fur farms. #VisonsLeRespect. Please sign the petition!
With his project Photogr'Afrique and his beautiful photos, Mathieu Courdesses raises public awareness about the protection of wild animals.
In Moselle, the Prefect published a decree ordering the night shooting on red foxes. We have filed an appeal for excess of power. Let us defend them!
Three cats died from an act of violence, One Voice supports L’école du chat in Quiberon who have suffered a great tragedy.
South Africa has just decided to double annual lion bone exports to China! Protest your anger to their president!
To reduce the production costs of eggs, meat and milk, the standards for animals will be lowered to that of previous standards. Animal Rights Centre J...
Over the last sixty years, the ocean has been subject to increasing levels of noise, and in parallel, cetacean beachings. One Voice is asking for a hi...
This little 4-year-old is dying before our eyes. Scarlet (J50) is hungry and thirsty. Let's do something now for her!
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