Morgan, a small orca born free and now owned by the dolphinarium Loro Park has just given birth to a baby.
With One Voice, let’s all be in Paris on October 13th, to denounce Hunting, its deaths, its violence and its mutilations for millions of animals. Stop...
The survey at the heart of mink farms in Latvia, of Dzīvnieku brīvība, our partner in the Fur Free Alliance, is heart-breaking. Europe must ban the pr...
Press release
The Prefect coordinator of the "Wolf Plan" illegally increases the number of wolves that can be slaughtered in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, threatening their...
A dog breeder in Mézilles has challenged our right to defend dogs intended for laboratories, attacking our bailiff’s report. The breeder was dismissed...
One voice is fighting for the prohibition of traps that kill, a hunt that kills and mutilates animals of all species, wild, protected or domestic.
Fashion, luxury and animal fur: Let's demand during the next Fashion Week 2018 that Prada stops the torture of tens of thousands of animals.
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