Suffered the effects of a dangerous human, the young German shepherd had lived only a nightmare with him. Addiction and social or emotional precarious...
Dogs cannot be slaughtered by anyone! We wrote to the Minister of Overseas Territories, lodged a complaint with the Attorney General, and filed anothe...
The young pinscher is dead, dragged behind the car of his drunk human. How could they forget about Nikita and then throw her in the Tarn? The Zoe Cell...
Following the alliance of One Voice in the campaign launched by its European partners to stop the use of mice in the botulinum toxin market, tens of t...
We bring to you the story of dozens of rabbits used as guinea pigs and then killed at the end of veterinary training! We sounded the alarm which made ...
Sultan is being held by a circus in the worst conditions of his life. One Voice is fighting to save him before captivity takes his life.
Our Cell Zoe will defend this in court on June 20th in Bethune, the memory of Little Boy, a young dog slaughtered with knives and found impaled on a t...
More than five months ago, the French dolphinariums were assured that the ministerial decree condemning them to eventually close, be cancelled! Still ...
The Mézilles’ Beagle and Golden Retriever breeding centre has pressed charges against us so that all traces of the bailiff’s report we obtained disapp...
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