One Voice is facing the veterinarian who authorised what would become Micha’s last exploitation: hearing in Orléans on 14 March

One Voice is facing the veterinarian who authorised what would become Micha’s last exploitation: hearing in Orléans on 14 March

One Voice is facing the veterinarian who authorised what would become Micha’s last exploitation: hearing in Orléans on 14 March
One Voice is facing the veterinarian who authorised what would become Micha’s last exploitation: hearing in Orléans on 14 March

On 7 September 2019, while Micha was struggling both to move and to breathe, a veterinarian specialising in horses provided the Poliakovs with a certificate allowing them to inflict yet another performance on him – his last one – around 350 kilometres from his prison cell. We then took this to the National Order of Veterinarians. Four years after the bear’s death, we are facing up to the professional on Thursday 14 March 2024 at 10am at the Orléans law court.

Updated 23 May

Two months after the hearing on 20 May, the Regional Council for the Order of Veterinarians gave their verdict. The veterinarian was found guilty of ethical breaches and sentenced to a one-month suspension from professional practise and a ban on holding any position within the Order for a 10-year duration. The accused has one month to file an appeal. Even though this sentencing will not bring Micha back, who died from an anaesthetic that his body, bruised and exhausted by a life of exploitation, could not cope with, it represents strong symbolic value for captive wild animals in a critical state and we hope this will allow such dramatic pitfalls to be avoided in future.

Three bears and a monkey hidden from view

After the inspection led by authorities in 2019, which concluded that Micha, disabled by his overly long claws, should no longer be moved or shown to the public, the bear and his imprisoned friends remained invisible. We therefore decided to lead an investigation in order to find them.

An investigation into the winter residence of the circus trainer couple

In the summer of the same year, we consequently went to Loir-et-Cher. We filmed Micha struggling to breathe, his gaze imploring, alongside Glasha and Bony as well as the small female monkey, Mina, who was hardly in any better state. The bear had infected wounds that were swarming with maggots that had also taken up residence in his mouth…

A few days later, after driving 250 kilometres, as if nothing had ever happened and armed with the sacrosanct veterinary certificate, the Bruneau-Poliakov couple exhibited the poor animal at a village show. Among other things, they made Micha climb onto a ball, perching on his painful extremities. AVES France documented the female trainer squeezing his paws to make him obey.

Despite maggots devouring Micha, the veterinarian actually dared to state that the “cardio-pulmonary auscultation had no irregularities”

On the veterinary certificate authorising this journey, it was mentioned that, despite weighing 160kg when he should have been 250kg, “the animal [was] in good condition”. A visit that the practitioner never would have actually carried out! Nor would he have asked the circus trainers what the document was going to be used for, a document which he admitted he did not have the expertise to issue…

Although the state of the animals and the conditions they are kept in, revealed by our footage, allowed a new urgent inspection that, alas, proved us right, Micha was condemned to the earth where he died on 12 November 2019. Bony and Glasha were saved from this hell; Mina and several rare birds succumbed to it.

After many re-launches and delays, on Thursday 14 March at 10am, we will be at the Orléans law court so that the veterinarian, who will appear before the disciplinary chamber, will be held responsible for his actions.

Galliforme hunting suspended in Ariège in 2021: moving towards an annulment? Hearing on 15 march 2024

Galliforme hunting suspended in Ariège in 2021: moving towards an annulment? Hearing on 15 march 2024

Galliforme hunting suspended in Ariège in 2021: moving towards an annulment? Hearing on 15 march 2024
Galliforme hunting suspended in Ariège in 2021: moving towards an annulment? Hearing on 15 march 2024

Although our emergency action made it possible to prevent the massacre of ten rock ptarmigans and thousands of grey partridges in the Pyrenees (mountain Galliformes), in Ariège, we are now waiting for the Toulouse administrative tribunal to definitively decide upon the illegality of this decree published by the department’s prefecture in September 2021. The hearing is set for 15 March 2024 at 9:30am.

Updated 2 April 2024

Victory in Ariège! With their decision on 29 March 2024, the Toulouse administrative tribunal has definitively cancelled the decree authorising mountain Galliforme hunting in 2021. Our emergency interim proceedings have already allowed the urgent suspension of this law and have saved the rock ptarmigans and grey mountain partridges used as targets. Let’s hope that the prefect and hunters have heard the message: the time has come to put the guns down and to leave these birds (and all other animals too) in peace.

Always there when it comes to harassing animals to death, the Ariège prefect had authorised, for the 2021-2022 season (like they did for all the others…), the hunting of thousands of grey partridges in the Pyrenees (20 per shooter!) and ten rock ptarmigans. Within a few days, we had obtained an urgent suspension of this decree.

In Ariège, prefects and hunters go hand in hand with galliformes

The judges’ decision left no room for doubt: authorising the deaths of hundreds of birds directly endangers the very survival of the entire population that is already subject to so many threats. The time for urgency has passed and the legal system will now definitively decide on our request, scarcely a few months after having cancelled the decree relating to the 2020-2021 season.

How many rulings do there need to be before these birds are left in peace?

Although frustration is high in the face of this determination to organise the massacre of thousands of these individuals who simply just wish to live, we will continue to give them a voice and defend their existence wherever they are targeted. Since 2020, in Ariège, our actions have allowed thousands of them to be saved (or even the whole species if we are to believe the judges), in line with our numerous victories in France in Autumn 2023.

For the hazel grouse, rock partridges, black grouse, rock ptarmigans, and grey mountain partridges, for all beings inextricably linked to mountainous landscapes, killed for the sole pleasure of a small minority of individuals, and for so many others, support our requests for them by signing our petition for a radical reform of hunting!

Tenrecs: the prefect outdoing everyone else with hunting authorised every day?

Tenrecs: the prefect outdoing everyone else with hunting authorised every day?

Tenrecs: the prefect outdoing everyone else with hunting authorised every day?
Tenrecs: the prefect outdoing everyone else with hunting authorised every day?

The tenrec hunting saga continues in Réunion… Although the massacre was suspended thanks to our emergency action in front of the Saint-Denis administrative tribunal, the prefect now plans to open digging out from 15 March, every day of the week instead of the three days normally allowed. A way to satisfy hunters who, clearly, have access to the prefecture to the point where they are drafting prefectural decrees themselves…

Several thousand tenrecs used as targets… including the young

At this time of year, although the austral summer is coming to an end, tenrecs are in the middle of their breeding period. The families are growing and the young do not risk venturing out of their burrows alone. They are entirely dependent on their parents to feed them and to survive. This is the precise period in which the prefect has authorised them being hunted down and subsequently killed.

Although many hunters are attached to this traditional practice, no tradition has ever or will ever justify making animals suffer. Because for tenrecs, it is carnage: entire families are killed by dogs, and those who survive are killed by any available means.

Hunters weild their pens to be able to kill every day!

It is an understatement to say that the prefect of Réunion has taken up the cause of those digging them out. Even though the Saint-Denis administrative tribunal has definitively cancelled the 2022 decree, the prefect put out a draft decree that is identical in every aspect for consultation in 2024, which was immediately suspended by the tribunal.

A few minutes after it being put online, we discovered that the draft decree and the decree itself had been drawn up…. by the Federation of Hunters and its representatives! A wave of panic at the prefecture, which immediately suspended the consultation before opening a new one. But to our great surprise, the authors of the draft decree are still representatives from the Federation! One single thing was changed: they now plan to authorise hunting every day instead of the usual three days per week. In short, they are passing a new illegal decree to be forgiven for having passed one that was just as illegal the time before…

It is scandalous that a representative of the State defends particular interests rather than general interests for the protection of tenrecs and the natural heritage of the island. To express your dissatisfaction, participate in the consultation up until this evening!

One Voice is opposing the Muller-Zavatta Circus in Valence on 8 March for Jumbo and the tigers

One Voice is opposing the Muller-Zavatta Circus in Valence on 8 March for Jumbo and the tigers

One Voice is opposing the Muller-Zavatta Circus in Valence on 8 March for Jumbo and the tigers
One Voice is opposing the Muller-Zavatta Circus in Valence on 8 March for Jumbo and the tigers

Exhibiting tigers that were separated from their mother at birth, Jumbo being plunged into perpetual suffering by the Muller father and son duo… This is what One Voice documented during its investigations and the reason why we are once again stepping up to the plate. On Friday 8 March 2024 at 8:30am, we will be at the Valence legal tribunal for two complaints filed against the Muller-Zavatta Circus.

Updated 8 March 2024 at 11:30am

The Valence legal tribunal’s decision was given live: the judge declared the summons issued to the defendant by the public prosecutor null and void and declared One Voice inadmissible.

We will therefore wait for the prosecution to start things from scratch in these proceedings. In any case, we have other complaints against the Muller Circus on more serious matters that are currently being processed.

Our rallying for Jumbo and the tigers remains vital: we will fight for as long as animals remain in circuses!

Tigers and lionesses imprisoned in minuscule enclosures, monkeys shut up in cages, llamas grazing on the edge of a dual carriageway… In 2020 and 2021 in Nîmes and Vedène, among the other animals exploited by the Muller Circus, Jumbo, always alone, was either locked in the truck that served as a jail, in a swimming pool that he was not able to get out of on his own, or placed in an enclosure with nothing else to do but graze endlessly. The barriers separating him from visitors, and especially children, were so risky that a catastrophe could happen at any moment and no one would be spared — neither the humans nor the hippopotamus. Risks that we have spoken out about on many occasions but which the Mullers do not care about: despite a conviction in 2019, the circus artists persist and endorse it.

While Jumbo was stagnating in his solitude, they were busy carrying the tiger cubs around at arm’s length to exhibit them to the public. Separated from their mother and handled roughly, they were just as easily confronted by the deafening din of the big top as they were by children’s hands, all completely illegally.

The Mullers: expert repeat offenders in abuse and offending

Since these two complaints were submitted, the Muller Circus has tried to build their image back up by changing their name, taking on the Zavatta name. But their illegal facilities in the towns where they forcibly impose their miserable travelling troop, their exploitation of submissive animals, and even their violence towards our activists and against police have continued… So much so that Edmond Muller, the family patriarch, has just been convicted, on 1 March 2024, for hitting and insulting two peaceful activists from the Alliance Ethique [Ethical Alliance] and One Voice. A hearing will also take place on 20 March at the State Council to determine whether the authorisation given to Frank and Edmond Muller to keep and exhibit Jumbo to the public will (finally!) be cancelled and if Jumbo will be sent to a sanctuary. The Ministry of Agriculture, who we faced, indicated that they did not produce any documents in this matter… so we have hope. Our investigations continue, again and again revealing the regrettable living conditions in which Jumbo, the tigers, monkeys, and so many other animals are kept, with complaints being filed one after the other at the same pace. We will never stop.

We will be at the Valence legal tribunal on 8 March 2024 at 8:30am for them. Join us by signing our petition to save Jumbo.

Hunting dogs rescued from a repeat offender hunter-breeder from Dordogne who left for Haute-Vienne

Hunting dogs rescued from a repeat offender hunter-breeder from Dordogne who left for Haute-Vienne

Hunting dogs rescued from a repeat offender hunter-breeder from Dordogne who left for Haute-Vienne
Hunting dogs rescued from a repeat offender hunter-breeder from Dordogne who left for Haute-Vienne

Around seventy dogs, geese, rabbits, and goats were kept in what we can only describe as a dumping ground. In other words, a farm building turned into a hellish place of filth and stench for the animals. This is where, on the morning of 4 March 2024, a group of police from the canine department, agents from the Haute-Vienne DDPP, and the mayor of the town where Richard Mandral’s new home is located, were dispatched. As the authorities’ first choice of representative, One Voice was there with its partners to save all of the dogs and to try to put a full stop to this hunter-breeder’s activities.

Along with the Haute-Vienne prefectural veterinary services, since January – and after much investigation footage and many legal proceedings in Dordogne since 2018 – we have moved heaven and earth to secure the maximum number of places in our partner rescue centres throughout France. We were able to rescue most of them. Other organisations had responded to a request from the administration as part of the legal proceedings, and were able to leave with the others. Thanks to them for their assistance. In the afternoon, the dogs were en route to the warmth of a loving home. They will initially be able to benefit from any care necessary, which is provided by professionals.

Run away and start again…

He had already adapted after being convicted for belonging to the Dog Connection network in the 1980s when hunting dogs, in addition to what they had already experienced, were sent to labs, following the summer of 2021, after his other conviction involving our rescue of sixteen of his dogs and multiple investigations, the repeat offender left Dordogne. He moved his out of control activities in breeding hunting dogs to a village situated at least 100 kilometres from there, in another department and even another region. What better way to escape the authorities, neighbourhood conflicts, and visits from our investigators? And to identically reproduce the operation, or even extend its harmful effects to other species…?

At the start of January 2024, we knew that the situation had – clearly – worsened in Haute-Vienne. We alerted the authorities and offered our logistical support. We had to act, and quickly. But without any places in rescue centres, it was not possible to do anything.

…a typical way of life for this hunter-breeder

On site, the dogs were not alone in wading distressed in mud and faeces. Rabbits were caged, chickens, geese, ducks, and turkeys joined their yelping cries. In the middle of the frosty hills, in a hutch in this cursed place, a rabbit snuggles against the lifeless body of its companion. Shut up in a van at the entrance to the property, a goat and its kid gaze upon the second baby that did not survive the birth that, according to the owner, happened overnight…

Nothing will stop us when it comes to these so-called “hunting” dogs!

Disputed by the hunting community, despite the videos and veterinary certificates which attested to the severity of the situation and despite a legal system that has refused to come down hard since 2019 because it only involved so-called “hunting” dogs, we have not given up.

Among our team and our supporters, no one forgot those sad griffons, porcelains, and dachshunds, some of whom wandered aimlessly and others who dug holes around the post where they were tied, while the weaker ones died without even being noticed and were eaten by their peers in a last attempt for survival. The memories of these dogs with deformed teats following repeated pregnancies, who had so much difficulty moving, of these dogs with enormous and painful untreated tumours, still haunt us.

Fear in so many of their looks… Where are the hunters who buy them and yet say they love their dogs? They turn a blind eye.

This repeat offender, who has spent his entire life (almost eight decades) abusing dogs and exploiting bitches, must be brought to justice once and for all! We will also fight tirelessly for the other animals and will be involved in proceedings against Richard Mandral in Haute-Vienne (and will thus bring criminal indemnification proceedings). These animals must not return to him under any circumstances and it is unlikely that he will be able to keep any animal whatsoever or continue his exploitation and reproduction activities. The dogs used by humans for hunting should receive as much care and consideration as any other, and their torturers should receive punishments appropriate for their wrongdoings. Hunter and impunity must no longer go hand in hand.

Hearing on 28 February 2024: One Voice supports the ELLE brand against the furriers’ union

Hearing on 28 February 2024: One Voice supports the ELLE brand against the furriers’ union

Hearing on 28 February 2024: One Voice supports the ELLE brand against the furriers’ union
Hearing on 28 February 2024: One Voice supports the ELLE brand against the furriers’ union

On 28 February 2024 at 1.30pm, One Voice will be present at the Nanterre judicial court to take up the defence of ELLE INTERNATIONAL (Lagardère group) and its exclusive licensee in France CMI, attacked by the French Fur Trade Federation for saying what is: real fur is a source of suffering and cruel for animals…

We will never allow such an attack, whose aim is to gag freedom of expression and in particular that of the press, to go unchallenged. Shame on those who seek to make an example of this emblematic magazine, born in France and whose name now shines around the world, which has courageously denounced the proven suffering of animals bred for their fur, by pillorying it and attempting to condemn it to silence.

A lobby that hides the truth and seeks to muzzle those who proclaim it loud and clear

In December 2021, ELLE fashion magazine and its international network announced that animal fur would no longer be allowed to appear in its pages anywhere in the world, declaring its desire to “reject cruelty to animals”. A major decision in the fashion world, given the brand’s central role in France and the rest of the world. Alongside our partners in the Fur Free Alliance, the international coalition of which we are the French representatives, we welcomed this demonstration of a profound cultural change that accompanied societal reforms on the subject. This did not please the Fédération française des métiers de la fourrure, which had already opposed our investigation publications on numerous occasions. Seeking to trample on freedom of expression, and particularly that of the press, the French furriers’ lobby sued ELLE INTERNATIONAL for denigration…

Practices incompatible with animal welfare

Not content with attacking the freedom of the press by trying to muzzle the ELLE brand, it is also denying the evidence. Our investigations have documented the injuries and infections, the cannibalism and agony of the mink due to the conditions in which they are kept, the lack of hygiene, the deleterious consequences for biodiversity and the disastrous impact of fur farms in France in terms of soil pollution. Let’s not even go into the barbaric methods of slaughter, by gassing or electrocution, shown by our partners. To speak of cruelty is nothing more than the most elementary common sense.

Two years after the vote on the law banning livestock farming in France, Paris Fashion Week has still not taken a position as clear as that of the magazine… We will continue to support brands that are committed to ethical fashion and to fight to ban the production, import and sale of fur throughout the European Union: the public is on our side, we will never give up.

For mink, foxes, raccoon dogs and other victims of fashion, we are voluntarily intervening at the hearing on 28 February 2024 at 1.30pm alongside the brand ELLE INTERNATIONAL, which has been unduly attacked for simply telling the truth and making use of a right that defines democratic countries.

Wolf plan 2024-2029: an openly anti-wolf government policy, national action by One Voice

Wolf plan 2024-2029: an openly anti-wolf government policy, national action by One Voice

Wolf plan 2024-2029: an openly anti-wolf government policy, national action by One Voice
Wolf plan 2024-2029: an openly anti-wolf government policy, national action by One Voice

The main thrusts of the 2024-2029 French National Action Plan on wolves and livestock activities (or “Plan Loup”) were presented this Wednesday, February 21. Once again, the government has chosen to side with the intensive farming lobbies. In the face of this programmed extermination, we are mobilizing to make their voices heard. On the first weekend of March, we’ll be present in around twenty towns across France to defend them and try to halt their announced massacre.

This new plan, described as “concerned with the preservation of extensive and pastoral livestock farming”, totally forgets its objective, which is supposed to be the preservation of species! 

In 2024, 209 wolves can be legally killed – perhaps even more if the ceiling is raised, as is almost always the case. In Lyon, our activists will be paying tribute to the 207 wolves killed in 2023. In Draguignan, we will be present in front of the prefecture to raise public awareness of the fate of these animals.

(Definitive and ineffective) lethal shootings made easier

After the disturbing stance taken by the President of the European Commission last September, the culls we have been opposing from the outset are made easier in this new plan of shame! The obligation to light a wolf before shooting has been abolished; the number of shooters has been increased from one to three for simple defense shots; and the use of thermal sights has been generalized for lieutenants of louveterie and pests. The aim is clear: to make it even harder for wolves to escape, even harder for them to get away.

The usefulness of shooting is never questioned. Yet the Wolf Plan 2018-2023 already cast doubt on the effectiveness of this morbid device.[1] Scientific studies suggest that these shots may even have the opposite effects to those intended: if wolves sometimes stop feeding in the same area following the slaughter of a family member, they will in fact move a few kilometers, resolving nothing that breeders blame them for.

Protective measures, the only effective weapon…

… provided that training and controls are deployed on farms. By definition, shooting should remain the exception, as it is a derogation from wolf protection. However, prefectoral decrees are copy-pastes of one another, and their justifications vague and stereotyped. When properly implemented, with adequate support, these measures can effectively guard flocks.

The State refuses to protect farmed animals, opting instead for massacres

In this new plan, everything is done to please intensive farmers, with the compensation scale being revised upwards; even though some herds are not protected! For several months now, we’ve been campaigning for the government to recognize that cows and horses should be protected. In 2023, we initiated proceedings before the Conseil d’État to counter this nonsense.

All these arguments prompted the French national council for nature protection to side with us, with the wolves, when consulted on the 2024-2029 project.

Putting an end to hypocrisy

Let’s not forget that the same farmers who bemoan the fate of their ewes no longer feel the same way when it comes to sending them to slaughter, sometimes by boat for weeks on end in abominable conditions. Losses due to wolves represent only a tiny proportion (0.15%) of the sheep population (ewes and lambs). The proportion due to disease, transport accidents, falls, etc. is ten times higher. 

Even if the game is unbalanced and victories difficult to achieve, we will continue to demand respect and protection for wolves. It’s high time we got away from the anxiety-inducing imaginary world we’ve grown up with about these animals. In this fight against superstition and the relentless attack on biodiversity and nature, we need your support. Sign our petition and join us on March 02 and 03* at our actions in favor of wolves throughout France: Aix en Provence (13), Amiens (80), Bar le Duc (55), Bordeaux (33), Briançon (05), Brive-la-Gaillarde (19), Château Arnoux Saint Auban (04), Draguignan (06), Falaise (14), Gap (05), La Rochelle (17), Lille (59), Limoges (87), Lyon (69), Marseille (13), Metz (57), Nantes (44), Paris (75), Strasbourg (67), Troyes (10).

* Please check the date, place and time before coming: some events will take place in February, or may be subject to change due to unforeseen circumstances. If there is no link to an event in a particular city, refer to the national event.

[1] French national action plan for 2018-2023 concerning wolves and farming activities, page 12: “Concerning the effect of these shots on predation: without suitable spatial and temporal metrics, it is difficult to highlight a general trend on the evolution of damage according to the level of taking.”

February 26 update: clarification of the 0.15% figure concerning French sheep.

Inouk, 25 years in captivity: One Voice rallies outside Marineland on February 25

Inouk, 25 years in captivity: One Voice rallies outside Marineland on February 25

Inouk, 25 years in captivity: One Voice rallies outside Marineland on February 25
Inouk, 25 years in captivity: One Voice rallies outside Marineland on February 25

While the facility has reopened and Inouk, Wikie and Keijo are invisible to the public in the orca tank, One Voice has decided to honor the 25 years of this young male, who has all the makings of an old man. Activists from the association’s local branch will be in front of the park in Antibes on Sunday, February 25, 2024 at 11 a.m. for a silent and respectful gathering.

To date, the orcas from the Côte d’Azur dolphinarium have not been sent to a Japanese dolphinarium, as Marineland wished. The French Ministry of Ecology is considering marine sanctuary solutions, for a time suspended by the park’s ban on relocating the family of cetaceans until the independent expertise we have obtained has been completed. Their future is uncertain.

Inouk, his sister Wikie and nephew Keijo were born in a tank. They have therefore suffered captivity and its devastating consequences on their health for their entire lives. One Voice, like its partner on the other side of the Atlantic, would like to open a dialogue with the park in order to offer the world’s only family of captive orcas other prospects than certain death and endless exploitation. Let’s not wait for more deaths. Moana was only twelve… And before him, there had already been so many!

A marine sanctuary could take them in, if the political will and cooperation of Parques Reunidos were granted. We want to believe that it is possible to find a solution from above, and we’re doing everything we can to make it happen. Sign and share the petition calling for a sanctuary for the French killer whales.

Mayors: for the sake of animals and the environment, ban hunting!

Mayors: for the sake of animals and the environment, ban hunting!

Mayors: for the sake of animals and the environment, ban hunting!
Mayors: for the sake of animals and the environment, ban hunting!

Every year, hunting kills tens of millions of animals. From farm-raised pheasants released to be slaughtered, to badgers chased into their burrows, to foxes and birds, this hobby spreads suffering throughout our forests. In addition to stealing lives, it is also a mortal danger to the environment: nearly 8,000 tonnes of lead are discarded every year, not to mention millions of plastic and metal cases. Because action is urgently needed at all levels, One Voice is providing mayors with a draft “turnkey” municipal bylaw to put an end to this absolute plundering of nature.

Animals poisoned, nature polluted: the true toll of hunting

There are the tens of millions that hunters take pleasure in killing every year. Then there are all those – protected species included – who are only wounded and survive with their bodies riddled with lead. This metal, still massively used, is a mortal danger: it pollutes waterways and subsoils and, when ingested by mammals or birds, is the cause of numerous diseases, such as lead poisoning. If they don’t die quickly, they in turn contaminate other animals.

While lead is currently banned only in the immediate vicinity of wetlands, and is still regularly used in ball-trap events, it’s high time to go further: together with the European Environmental Bureau, One Voice is campaigning for these bans to be strengthened. The survival of fish, birds and all those who pay a high price so that a handful of individuals can practice this deadly hobby depends on it.

Every walker knows that, in addition to lead, the soil of our forests is littered with cartridge cases, a mixture of plastic and metal. This pollution is largely kept secret, yet there are ways of taking action!

Mayors: you can act!

Local councilors are often powerless to prevent the destruction of the environment in their communities. When it comes to hunting, the prefects are all-powerful, and it’s easy to understand why when you see how their decisions are all too often taken with the sole aim of satisfying the demands of this lobby – to the point where they sometimes get things mixed up.

However, mayors are not condemned to impotence. They have important prerogatives when it comes to waste. And what is hunting, if not an activity aimed not only at killing living creatures, but also at scattering tons of waste in the countryside with guns, with complete impunity?

Because it’s urgent, we’re calling on mayors to adopt the draft decree to drastically limit this practice and take action to protect the environment. To support us in this initiative, please forward this draft bylaw to your mayor! And to raise the voice of animals even higher, sign our petition for a radical reform of hunting!

Underground badger hunting: new victories and new hearings!

Underground badger hunting: new victories and new hearings!

Underground badger hunting: new victories and new hearings!
Underground badger hunting: new victories and new hearings!

The fight against the supplementary period of underground venery is a long-distance race. After securing more than 30 emergency victories last year, which saved 4,000 badgers, the courts are now overwhelmingly confirming the illegality of all these decrees. In two new annulment decisions, judges in Nantes (Vendée) and Amiens (Oise) ruled that digging up badgers at this time of year was quite simply illegal. But the battle is far from over: next hearings are scheduled for March 7 and 12, at 10 and 10.30 a.m. respectively, at the administrative courts of Limoges and Nancy, for the 2023 supplementary periods in the Haute-Vienne and Meuse departments.

Update April 2, 2024

Two new victories against badger digging! In Haute-Vienne, hundreds of badgers were due to be killed in the spring of 2023. After the emergency suspension of the prefect’s decision, AVES, ASPAS and One Voice have just obtained its definitive annulment! In Meuse, the court also overturned the decree, which this time we had challenged on our own. Judgment after judgment, justice confirms it: in addition to being cruel, the supplementary underground hunting period is illegal.

Everywhere it has been suspended as a matter of urgency, underground hunting is about to be declared illegal for good

Last summer, while hunters were sharpening their knives, shovels and pickaxes to go hunting for badgers in their burrows, we launched a large-scale campaign against badger digging. Because it’s a cruel practice that we documented by infiltrating the community, and because it leads to the killing of newborn badgers every year – which is illegal, as the Conseil d’Etat has reminded us – the courts we appealed to suspended it as a matter of urgency in over 30 departments. Nearly 4,000 individuals have been saved as a result!

And the victories continue. In two new rulings, judges in Nantes and Amiens have joined those in Caen, Clermont-Ferrand and Limoges and overturned the prefect’s decrees for the Vendée (year 2020) and the Oise (year 2023) departments.

For the Amiens judge, the situation is very clear: until they are emancipated, badgers are “young” within the meaning of the law, and “the hunting method used involves the killing of the parents and the destruction of the burrow, or even the accidental injury of a young badger by the dogs“.

New hearings and new appeals in prospect

Having obtained the suspension of the orders in Haute-Vienne and Meuse last spring, the administrative courts of Limoges and Nancy will rule definitively on these cases at the end of two hearings scheduled for March 7, 2024 at 10 a.m. and March 12, 2023 at 10:30 a.m. respectively. 

Despite all these decisions, we know that the prefects, still hand in hand with the hunters, will no doubt once again authorize massacres in many departments. Everywhere, we’ll be speaking out on behalf of these individuals, killed for the sole pleasure of a few people. To help them, support us and sign the petition to put an end to underground hunting!