To carry out tests on macaques, the State, via CNRS, is paying 10 million euros to a breeding farm in Mauritius
At the end of 2023, a farm breeding monkeys in Mauritius won a tender to send 500 monkeys to the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). Following this purchase funded by public money, they will be used to breed from, and their young will be experimented on before being, for the vast majority of them if not all of them, slaughtered. Faced with funding that always comes at animals’ expense, with our partners Action for Primates, Abolición Vivisección, Peta US, and Monkey Massacre Mauritius, we are calling on the French government and the public to join us.
In November 2023, we published our investigation into six of the seven Mauritian “farms” who export more than 10,000 long-tailed macaques to laboratories throughout the world every year. Far from taking measures against captures in the wild or the squalid conditions that these animals are kept in within breeding farms on the island, the French State has handed over no less than 10 million euros to one of them.
By winning this public call for tenders, Les Campêches Ltd hit the jackpot and it will be the monkeys and their descendants who will pay the highest price. Sent to France to CNRS infrastructures after having been torn from their natural habitat, the monkeys will be forced to bring babies into the world who will be subjected to all kinds of tests or will remain caged for life as ‘stock’. Once they are no longer considered useful to laboratory technicians, they will be killed with no qualms.
Funding allocated to the detriment of implementing alternatives
To impose captivity, injections, and samples of all kinds from more than 2000 long-tailed macaques per year, public authorities are always there. But researching non-animal methods is another story, with the money invested by the FC3R [French 3Rs Centre] since 2021 not even reaching a million euros. While 81% of French people are in favour of developing alternatives for animal testing… In agreement with citizens and in the name of animals, we will continue to hold those who are responsible for these issues accountable, on a national level and in Europe.
To put an end to these cruel and outdated practices, demand an end to the use of macaques in laboratories with us by signing our petition, get ready to join the rallies that will take place on 20 and 21 April throughout France initiated by One Voice for World Day for Animals in Laboratories, and you too can also write to the authorities!
By letter:
- Call on the Minister for Higher Education and Research. We are offering a template letter here.
- Call on the CEO of CNRS too. You can find a template letter here.
On Twitter/X (copy/paste the text)
.@sretailleau, @CNRS: with @onevoiceanimal, @Action4Primates, @StopCamarles, @peta and #MonkeyMassacreMauritius, I refuse for my taxes to fund #AnimalTesting on long-tailed macaques coming from the island of Mauritius. #LabMonkeys https://one-voice.fr/en/news/to-carry-out-tests-on-macaques-the-state-via-cnrs-is-paying-10-million-euros-to-a-breeding-farm-in-mauritius/