Arche de Noël: the person responsible to be tried on May 27, 2024, One Voice present at the trial
Following our months-long undercover investigation into the fake shelter known as l’Arche de Noël, the authorities, accompanied by animal protection associations, finally moved in on November 30, 2023 to rescue the animals. Two months after the rescue, the man in charge, Noël Azzopardi, was again taken into police custody and placed under judicial supervision pending trial. He will be tried by the Béziers judicial court on May 27, 2024 at 2:00 pm. We’ll be there to demand justice for all the animals who have suffered at the hands of this torturer.
Update 06/18/2024
Noël Azzopardi and his association “Arche de Noël” were found guilty of the charges. He received a suspended prison sentence of twelve months, fines totalling €400, and a ban on working with animals. His association, as a legal entity, was fined €10,000, and is permanently closed. A very light penalty, when he was facing up to 3 years’ imprisonment and a €150,000 fine. As proof of his mistreatment of the animals, a mass grave containing no less than eight dead dogs was found on the day the authorities went to the premises in November 2023.
Update 05/29/2024
After a 4-hour hearing at which we made our arguments heard alongside numerous other animal protection associations, the prosecutor in charge of the case requested :
- a 12 months’ suspended prison sentence
- a 200€ fine for the defendant and his association
- a 5-year ban on keeping certain types of animals, in this case only those seized;
- a permanent ban on working with animals.
These are mild sentences given the seriousness of the events. On the day the animals were rescued, a mass grave had been discovered, with no less than eight dog corpses. We are disappointed, but unfortunately not surprised: for years, Noël Azzopardi had openly circumvented the law and mistreated animals for all the world to see. Veterinary reports drawn up ten years earlier had already identified a number of shortcomings. At least since 2019, the authorities have been aware of the existence of a mass grave. However, it wasn’t until 2023 that things finally got moving, following the broadcast of our undercover investigation. The verdict will be delivered on June 17. Almost a hundred dogs, 9 tortoises, 8 Florida tortoises, 2 snakes and numerous birds had been rescued from this hellhole on November 30. Unfortunately, one snake had already died.
Undercover investigation into the heart of horror
In October 2022, we arrived at the Arche de Noël for the first time. Our months-long investigation confirmed the many reports we’d received about this place. In truth, the place that had been called a “refuge” hid an entirely different reality. There, we saw horror and death. Dogs beaten and slaughtered; disastrous hygiene with serious consequences: puppies left to die one after the other of an epidemic, bitches treated like uteruses on legs locked up in rabbit hutches, a site infested with rats who were themselves victims of atrocities; dogs sold under the counter with no guarantees whatsoever, while exotic wild animals were illegally kept in terrible conditions.
We filed an initial complaint in February 2023, accompanied by videos, followed by a supplement in June. However, despite our numerous reminders, it was radio silence, forcing us to publicize the case in November with a petition and a report on TF1.
On November 30, 2023, a seizure of the animals was finally ordered, putting an end to years of mistreatment and animal suffering. At the same time, Azzopardi, the man responsible, was taken into custody and a judicial inquiry was launched.
Trial on May 27, 2024 at the Béziers judicial court
The investigation, which was completed two months later, at the end of January 2024, led to a second police custody, during which the defendant continued to deny the facts despite the evidence we provided thanks to our images.
He was placed under judicial supervision pending trial. He will be tried for several offenses: undeclared work in the sale of dogs, abandoning domestic animals or animals held in captivity by failing to provide them with adequate care and accommodation, opening an establishment holding non-domestic animals without authorization, operating an unregistered environmental facility, and illegal dumping of garbage.
According to the prosecutor’s statements, Noël Azzopardi faces 3 years’ imprisonment and a €150,000 fine, in addition to a ban on practicing or holding animals. His association will also be tried as a legal entity, and faces a fine of up to €750,000.
We will of course be present at the hearing to obtain justice for all those animals who have suffered in this sordid place for years, and to ensure that Noël Azzopardi and his association are never again allowed to hold animals or engage in any activity related to them.