One Voice, Animal Cross, and AVES are attacking the ministerial decree authorising new killings for wolves
After the publication of the national action plan for wolves and farming activities revealed an openly anti-wolf stance, a few weeks ago, the government published a new decree in order to further relax the conditions in which these animals can be killed. Because the writing of it is vague and not very detailed, and therefore even more permissive, we have, along with Animal Cross and AVES, filed a plea before the State Council to request its cancellation.
Measures that are in all likelihood illegal
An increase in the number of shooters during simple defence authorisations, according to “objective criteria”… which the ministries have not taken the trouble to go into detail about; the lack of any requirement to implement scaring methods prior to any lethal shooting; the removal of the obligation to identify “targets” before firing; maintaining the shooting authorisation after a wolf is killed…
The objective is clear: the State does not want to give wolves the slightest chance, giving them even fewer possibilities of escaping.
The majority are opposed, and yet…
During the public consultation on this project, 98.58% of opinions given were unfavourable! The French National Council for the Protection of Nature (CNPN), made up of experts and scientists on issues relating to biodiversity, also opposed it several times without much success (“We must remember that, since the start of the national action plan for wolves and farming activities 2018-2023, the CNPN has been contacted three times regarding decree projects with the same subject as the ones on which the CNPN has, until now, given unfavourable opinions on, of which the latest was unanimous.”).
By allowing wolves to be even more easily slaughtered, ministries are calling into question the survival of the entire species, which, let’s not forget, is still strictly protected at this time.
For all of these reasons, we have decided, with Animal Cross and AVES, to join forces and attack this decree to request that it be cancelled. Even if the fight is tough against agricultural and hunting lobbies, we will never give up. Along with us, demand protection for these magnificent animals who enrich our very fragile biodiversity and have a right to live in peace.