Two hearings in Besançon and Toulon to defend wolves against shooting
Faced with the growing persecution of wolves, whose population has fallen by 9% in 2023, we are taking drastic steps. At the end of 2022, the Doubs authorities gave the go-ahead for “simple defense shooting” of wolves. With our partners – FERUS and the Pôle Grands Prédateurs – we have asked for this text to be annulled. The hearing takes place on Tuesday May 28, at 10:45 am, at the Besançon administrative court. At the same time, we called, on our own (and without being heard), for an emergency suspension of “reinforced defense shootings” in the Var department. On Monday June 3, at 9:45 am, at the Toulon administrative court, the merits of the case will be debated.
Update June 24, 2024:
Third victory in a week for the wolves! Following on from the Besançon administrative court a few days ago, the Toulon administrative court ruled in our favor today, annulling a decree issued by the Var prefecture authorizing reinforced defense shots, granted in 2022.
The judge admitted that the herd was not protected in an effective and proportionate manner, and that the administration had not provided any proof of the contrary. Worse still: a “diagnosis of vulnerability to wolf predation” had been drawn up by an agent from the Mediterranean Alps pastoral studies and projects center (C.E.R.P.A.M) as early as 2021 (i.e. a year and a half before the shooting authorization was granted). The study recommended several angles for improvement, considered by the author to be essential for the defense of the herd.
The Prefect of the Var department has not provided any details as to why these measures were not taken, nor has he demonstrated that their implementation was impossible.
It’s high time that the State finally took responsibility by supporting and training breeders to protect their animals, instead of handing out shooting permits at will! Wolves are not an adjustment variable for the irresponsibility of some, or even their manifest incompetence.
Derogations from flock protection measures out of principle…..
Leaving sometimes young and vulnerable bovines unguarded, while at the same time handing out permits to shoot wolves? For the public authorities, this means less aid to pay to protect herds of cows, horses or donkeys… Why bother ensuring the safety of animals that will end up in the slaughterhouse anyway? Their breeders will just have to terrorize the wolves instead.
Because, in agreement with the State, it has chosen to consider bovine herds as unprotectable to kill wolves rather than seek peaceful solutions, we have, hand in hand with FERUS and the Pôle Grands Prédateurs, attacked the Doubs prefecture at the end of 2022.
….. and wolf kills granted with eyes closed
A month later, the Var authorities did no better, authorizing reinforced defense shootings with very flimsy justifications… The lack of verification is blatant, with the State contenting itself with farmers’ declarations rather than offering them training or support… The judges ruled that there was no urgency to suspend the shootings. We’ll be at the hearing this time to discuss the substance of the problem.
As if the State’s hostility to wolves wasn’t blatant enough in the new 2024-2029 action plan, and even though 7 out of 10 French people want derogations authorizing lethal shooting to be banned (Ipsos/One Voice poll, September 2023), a ministerial decree published a few weeks ago makes it even easier to slaughter these cousins of dogs, our lifelong companions. Together with Animal Cross and AVES, we have lodged an appeal with the French Conseil d’Etat to have the decree annulled.
On Tuesday May 28, at 10:45 am, we will be at the Besançon administrative court with our partners the Pôle Grands Prédateurs and FERUS to defend the wolves killed in the Doubs department, then on Monday June 3, at 9:45 am at the Toulon administrative court for those in the Var department.
Support our fight by signing our petition so that wolves are finally respected.