A mass grave for foxes in Jura: we are filing a complaint!
A horrific scene in Morillon in Jura, where decomposing foxes’ bodies have been discovered at the river’s edge. What is most shocking about the scandal is that this mass grave is the work of a lieutenant of louveterie and pests, a hunter commissioned by the mayor or prefect to kill animals considered to be “problematic” for purely ideological reasons. For these foxes, and faced with the risk of polluting the river water and those who live in it, One Voice is joining forces with the Athénas Centre and filing a complaint.
Killing animals and polluting the environment: when lieutenants of louveterie and pests no longer have a limit
Foxes are systematically accused of all evils, particularly by the authorities who organise official hunts and instruct lieutenants of louveterie and pests to line one kill up after the next year-round. Most often, these operations are illegal and are simply a justification to satisfy hunters. In January, we also obtained the cancellation of eight decrees by the Nièvre prefect.
When these hunts are authorised, it is a real playground for lieutenants of louveterie and pests who are able to merrily kill dozens or even hundreds of animals! Then, after taking their lives, the shooter simply threw the foxes on the side of the river… with presumed disregard and at an increased risk of polluting the water with the decomposing bodies. One Voice is joining forces with a partner and filing a complaint, because the suspension of the person responsible for these acts does not take away from the severity of them.
Unlimited persecution of foxes
Each year, far from the half a million stated – which does not take into account those that are poached and leaves numerous individuals killed by hunting to pass under the radar – almost a million of them are killed. Already targeted under the context of hunting with guns, hounds, and official hunts, including during the night in some areas, they are also caught in traps in many departments given that they are included on the infamous list of ‘species likely to cause damage’ that we have attacked. And their ordeal continues with those digging them out, not even sparing the young as we have shown in our infiltration investigation.
For these red foxes, to say stop to these massacres, and to oppose all those who despise animals and nature, sign our petitions to take foxes off the ‘species likely to cause damage’ list and for a radical reform of hunting!