Wednesday 25 October 2023 | 10

One Voice is bringing a civil case to the tribunal against a bird poacher in Montauban

One Voice is bringing a civil case to the tribunal against a bird poacher in Montauban

Mis à jour le 27 February 2024

On 26 October at 9am, we will be at the Montauban legal tribunal for the blue tits, great tits, goldfinches, and blackcaps who are victims of a poacher that lives in the south of Tarn-et-Garonne. The man, not content with capturing and killing protected birds, resorted to illegal traditional hunting methods. We will be there once again against these cruel practices and for all the animals who continue to be a target of them.

Hr blog

Updated 27 October:

Shock and frustration are appropriate when faced with the summary penalty order given on 26 October 2023, which sentenced the defendant to a simple fine of 1000 euros plus compensation.

The ruling indicated that “in view of the seriousness of the facts, it does not seem necessary to give a prison term”. This shows serious denial of the captured birds’ distress and agony. We will not stop defending them against poachers.

It was a macabre spectacle that the agents from the French Office of Biodiversity (OFB) discovered during their search of this poacher's home in Tarn-et-Garonne. There they found that seven goldfinches were being kept prisoner to attract other birds with their song, while twenty-three individuals from other protected species were found lifeless in traps. Their capture is performed in the trapper’s garden, where the victims, who cannot resist the calls of one of their own, have had the misfortune to land, only to find themselves trapped in nets or stuck to perches covered in glue. The distress and agony that these tits and blackcaps have to endure before they take their last breath is unimaginable.

Faced with a resurgence in traditional hunting, we are keeping the pressure on

As well as having been killed while belonging to a protected species, these birds have been killed using methods that are themselves prohibited. Have we forgotten that glue hunting was ruled illegal by the State Council in 2021, following a decision made by none other than the European Court of Justice? And that the French institution once again proved us right a few months later by suspending and cancelling ministerial decrees relating to traditional hunting several times following this, after the government’s stubbornness in relation to persecuting birds?

Obviously caring as little about justice as they do about animals, those killing these little birds stubbornly go out of their way to continue to use these methods again. To the point where the government has given them the gift of ‘experimentation’, intended to show that the use of cages, nets, and decoys would be well and truly selective, which would justify these killings happening again in their eyes.

Zero tolerance for poachers

We will not let either the attempts to revive traditional hunting or the slightest complacency regarding poachers lie. In September 2022, we already succeeded in getting a man who had killed and sold thousands of robins sentenced with a six-month suspended prison sentence and a €25,000 fine. In February 2023, a repeat offender had to defend their actions in front of the courts.

As a civil party in the trial, we will once again give a voice to all of the birds that were killed and will ask for the highest possible penalty for this massacre at the Montauban legal tribunal on Thursday 26 October.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Marion Henriet
Hr blog

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Comments 10

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Syl | Thursday 26 October 2023

Je vis dans une grande ville de région parisienne depuis plus de quarante ans. Le spectacle des oiseaux en ville m'a toujours enchanté. Mais depuis ces dernières années, j'ai remarqué une nette absence des petits oiseaux (mésanges, rouges-gorges, rouges-queues...). Pourtant la ville a fait un effort en zéro phyto pour préserver la nature. Aussi, je ne comprends pas comment on peut s'en prendre à de si petits êtres. Ces oiseaux fragiles disparaissent à un rythme incroyable ! Merci de lutter et de faire savoir qu'il existe de telles pratiques pour sensibiliser les français sur cette catastrophe.

Muriel2018 | Thursday 26 October 2023

Merci pour tout ce que vous faites ! Les façons des chasseurs (braconniers) sont immondes, méprisables.

pouguy | Thursday 26 October 2023

Les tribunaux sont complices des braconniers car ils ne sont pas assez sévères pour les sanctions contre des actes qui sont parfois criminels.

!!!!!! | Thursday 26 October 2023

J'ai 85 ans, veuve depuis 10 ans. Mon époux était chasseur, il n'a jamais tué un seul petit oiseau, mais malgré cela je suis devenue anti chasse car habitant en dehors de la ville je vois les oiseaux disparaitre (sauf les pigeons de la ville !!!!) et il y a surtout pas mal de chats !!!!