Our vision
One Voice defends animal and global ethics and campaigns for respect for all sentient beings.
We believe that pitting humans against animals makes no sense. All forms of violence are intolerable and they are very often linked! Unfortunately, the entire living ecosystem has not been endowed with the capacity to defend itself or to rebel.
Roar for the voiceless
We believe that life is based on 3 interdependent pillars: Humans, the Environment and Animals. These are all necessary to each other and it is impossible to hope for a fairer world for everyone, as long as the worst practices are tolerated on animals!
So, through a single fight, One Voice is the voice of those who don’t have one. We defend and protect all individuals against cruelty and exploitation. Our role is central to preserving the balance of the planet, because countless lives depend on the Nature that surrounds us and keeps us alive.
The pillars of One Voice
A battle without borders
Our fight knows no borders, be they geographical or biological. In India, China, Nepal, Mauritius, Russia, Brazil and, of course, France, the association and its partners take to the streets wherever cruelty is rife and respect is flouted. This relentless fight is the result of practices that have been perpetuated, often for profit: dancing bears, the animal meat and fur trade, monkey and dog breeding for laboratories, circuses, dolphinariums… All these practices are heresy, not only for their fundamental rights but for the balance of the ecosystem as a whole.

Doing justice fairly
We conduct lobbying and awareness-raising campaigns for a better relationship with living beings, working hand in hand with international NGOs, sanctuaries and refuges. These actions are carried out non-violently, because this is a fundamental right that we advocate for every living being. One Voice believes that hammering its ideas with fervour is enough to put them forward intelligently. Our radicalism (getting to the root of evil) is expressed in the intensity of our convictions and our commitment to the cause, without impulsiveness.

Taking action as a remedy
One Voice is convinced that in order to change the way we look at things and create a new sustainable reality together, we need to take concrete action. This is why our battles are based first and foremost on serious investigative work, expert reports and hard-hitting actions around the world. We don’t espouse ideologies that can’t be achieved, we’re committed to shaking things up by building new ways of thinking. Our aim is to enable animals to reclaim their environment in a spirit of rewilding. This is what the tiger, our association’s totem animal, represents.

A tiger as a totem
The tiger, itself endangered, symbolises the wild soul of our planet, and its necessary ‘rewilding’. Nature must regain its place in our lives, and the return to balance will not happen without the emergence of ethical lifestyles that respect everyone. With its qualities of strength and intelligence, vigilance, courage, fervour and valour, the tiger is an emblematic figure of combat par excellence.