The State has decided: permanent circuses and cheap zoos are coming

The State has decided: permanent circuses and cheap zoos are coming

The State has decided: permanent circuses and cheap zoos are coming
The State has decided: permanent circuses and cheap zoos are coming

We have been warning of this danger for four years. It is here: the ministerial decree has just appeared and confirms the fact that competency certificates (a way into allowing the keeping of wild animals) for circuses and other travelling trainers are equal to those for settled establishments; in other words, zoos. A critical analysis… of the law and the consequences for animals.

One Voice: a whistle blower on circuses

As a precursor in France on this subject, the Association has been defending elephants, bears, hippopotamuses, lions, and tigers in circuses in particular for almost twenty-five years. Our expertise has been developed over the experience we have gained by fighting for them.

Some are born free and captured, others are born behind bars; all are forcefully subdued from their first weeks of life, shut into lorries day and night, transported from town to town whether it be in stifling heat or wintry cold… What undignified and humiliating treatment must they suffer, once they are an adult, for them to be left like this? When you are a tiger, a family of lions, or an elephant, it takes terror to be submissive to primates in this way…

The business of lies

This is what the circus trainers have been hiding from the public, journalists, and public decision-makers since the dawn of time, and what we as advocates for animals and the planet strive to prove with forceful videos of this abuse, which we have referred to the legal system to ensure, not only that the law be respected, but also improved.

Preserving the natural habitat of these vulnerable species

These demeaning shows sell a misleading reality, in which those being held captive and exploited are happy in such a situation, and in which it is normal to show this to our children. In reality, it is the survival of an archaic tradition that we should be ashamed of. That of the uninhibited and absolute domination of humans over non-humans. Incidentally, it takes these creatures away from their natural habitat despite them being in serious decline.

A flimsy law

In 2019, already, during discussions at the Ministry for the Ecological Transition to prepare for measures being announced for wildlife being kept captive in lorries and circuses, and the law that followed in November 2021, we explained the risk of zoos being obtained at a discounted rate whilst travelling circuses are settling. And this is, no more or less, what is happening before our eyes with the publication, on 13 July 2023, of the ministerial decree establishing an equivalence between competency certificates for circus trainers and those from zoos, thus now allowing trainers to obtain competency certificates for animals that they could not keep previously in travelling circuses, such as giraffes for example. It will not take much more to trample all over the zoo decree of 2004.

The most obvious negative effect of this law is that is has given the impression to the whole of France (or even Europe) that it would represent a major step forward for animals, even though it was only a façade did nothing but discourage goodwill and made little difference to people’s actions. Just like in 2015 with the inclusion of animal sentience in the law, without changing their status as movable property.

Sordid winter living spaces soon to be considered as zoos

With this new law, it is a further step towards minuscule living spaces over winter in places considered as zoos, as the Médrano Circus in Aimargues attempted (unsuccessfully thanks to our vigilance).

But what we prevented then may soon be unpreventable in future… Because after an equivalent competency certificate, we foresee harmful changes to come on regulatory standards being dragged down with the trampling of the 2004 decree regulating zoos.

The State is an accomplice in exploitation

We condemn the deafening silence and inaction of the Ministry regarding sanctuaries for large land or sea mammals, as well as their delay in publishing implementing decrees of the law, particularly regarding the reproduction of big cats. Only the one on the CNCFSC was published. In the meantime, circus trainers are getting rid of elephants and making big cats reproduce with all their might to feed trafficking.

We will keep rallying for all captive animals in circuses and are asking for accountability from the Ministry who is supposed to be in charge of protecting them.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Hunting: a weapon of mass pollution

Hunting: a weapon of mass pollution

Hunting: a weapon of mass pollution
Hunting: a weapon of mass pollution

A few months ago, the Fédération nationale des chasseurs (FNC) [National Federation of Hunters] was condemned for having presented its members as the “first ecologists in France” (which the French have never believed!). And we understand why: this hobby leads not only to the death of more than 25 million animals every year, but, the cherry on the cake, it pollutes the earth by depositing 6000 to 8000 tonnes of lead. This ammunition left in nature is an instant danger to the environment, animals, and humans, the dramatic consequences of which are already being seen. In Ain, One Voice found out from the Prefecture that lead shots replaced with steel ammunition in a clay-pigeon shoot had been organised in a wetland last weekend. But with checks being rare, we have no illusions about the changed course of this, knowing that this annual polluting festivity has taken place for more than twenty years on the same land.

From hunting to clay-pigeon shooting: a short guide on polluting activities by hunters in France

Sometimes – or dare we say often? -, hunters miss their targets. Thousands of lead bullets are therefore spread throughout the earth and water courses, making them potentially infertile and toxic, in particular for us humans. When animals feed on them, they are almost certain to die: a duck that ingests four small balls of this dense metal has a 99% chance of dying in the next twenty days. Other times, animals are affected without being killed. They have to live with shots throughout their bodies causing illnesses and infections – a body which will then be ingested by their natural predators, such as lynx, which are protected. One animal at a time, this heavy metal, a true poison, gains ground.

And it does not stop there: outside of the season, they have to be careful! There is still one activity left: clay-pigeon shooting. Shooting at a clay disk is undoubtedly less amusing than shooting at an animal. But it is “better than nothing”. This very lucrative activity in itself leads to 1,500 tonnes of lead being dispersed in nature every year.

An event in Ain that has been harmful for the environment for two decades

In Ain, the Douvres Hunting Society has been organising an annual clay-pigeon shoot in close proximity to a water course for at least twenty years. In other words, for all these years, the earth and groundwater tables have been riddled with this heavy metal… Also in this region in 2014, it was revealed in the autopsy of a lynx cadaver that it was suffering from lead poisoning because its body had more than 120 bullets in it. Having been alerted to the event taking place on the weekend of 1 July, we immediately contacted the Prefecture, who told us they got hunters to only use steel ammunition. Hard to believe, when we know that the guns used for clay-pigeon shooting are not adapted for this type of cartridge.

Beyond the pollution, this event should never have taken place. In fact, the Ain Prefect herself banned the carrying and transportation of weapons in the Department between 30 June and 3 July due to national current events. Despite this, these Sunday shooters have been able to indulge in their hobby without any disturbance!

Who knows, perhaps hunters were able to convince her that it was absolutely essential to “regulate” the clay discs…

General rallying against the ravages of hunting on nature

Of course, since February 2023, the use of cartridges is banned in close proximity to wetlands. But this measure is largely insufficient. With the European Environment Bureau, a coalition that One Voice is a member of, we are asking the European Commission to go further with the restrictions on lead in ammunition and fishing accessories. Because fish are also as important as mammals. The very survival of millions of animals and protecting human health is at stake!

As usual, hunters will do everything they can not to have to follow the rules. In January 2023, environmental police officers had apparently received no instructions on implementing checks[1]. The law? A tiny detail when it comes to pleasing a small minority who want to kill yet more animals. And they don’t stop there! Willy Schraen (FNC President) went so far as to ask for financial support from the State so that his members could replace their guns at taxpayers’ expense. The indecency clearly has no limit.

While the effects of massive soil pollution are already being felt by biodiversity and human health, it is about time we act. More than ever, it is about supporting the interests of animals, humans, and nature with one voice. Standing bravely with our partners, we will continue working to protect life on earth, for which whistle-blowers and conservationists are too often targeted. For them, for us, nothing will stop us. On 12 July at the European Parliament, we will call on Members of the European Parliament to pass the European Law on the restoration of nature.

[1] Source: site, “Plomb interdit à la chasse: Vers un possible report?” [Lead banned in hunting: for a possible adjournment?] article of 4 January 2023: “Indeed, for the time being, no agent from the French Office for Biodiversity (OFB) has received clear instructions on the implementation of checks on the use of ammunition for which they will be responsible.”

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Official opening of the Chatipi to help stray cats in Marly-le-Roi on 8 July at 11am

One Voice, who has fought against feline straying for years, is implementing three-way partnerships with town councils or drop-in centres and local associations to microchip, neuter, and care for homeless cats and release them, while providing them with a wooden chalet for them to rehydrate themselves, eat, and take shelter.
The Marly-le-Roi Town Council in Yvelines contacted the One Voice Association to take care of the problem of stray cats in the town with the help of the local MarlyChats sans Toit Association. The Chatipi programme therefore means that cats without a human family will no longer suffer from deprivation. The opening will take place at the Chatipi on Saturday 8 July at 11pm.