Tuesday 14 November 2023 | 43

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Against all odds for Samba, the last ‘circus’ elephant, whose suffering has broken the State’s indifference

Mis à jour le 01 March 2024

While the Cirque d’Europe circus reappeared for the second time in November 2023, after almost 6 months with no news of Samba, we are worried about the government’s shift regarding the law against mistreatment – already lacking – which has been confirmed again and again. According to a leaflet boasting of the merits of the show combining the exploitation and training of endangered wild animals, a note to towns requires them to accept circuses with animals despite the imminent implementation of the 2021 law (which should ban them from moving around) and implies that any checks would only aim to prove the absence of suffering... A practical exercise in Épinay-sur-Orge.

Hr blog

In July, the publication of our latest investigation footage, along with the announcement of our complaint to which testimonies from veterinarians specialising in elephants were attached, sparked things off... Or rather, Max Aucante, Samba's trainer, had done a runner, before the planned performances had even started.

Since then, we feared that the last circus elephant in France would be sent abroad, like Dumba, then Kamala, and around the same time Bambi and Rosa as well as Nelly and Brigit, and finally Baby... with authorities helping or turning a blind eye. Samba’s ordeal would have continued, and we would then no longer have had any legal leverage to offer her a better life.

Authorities are waiting for a ‘thank you’ from Samba and those who defend her...

Also, when the Cirque d’Europe circus was brought to our attention in Morangis, a suburban town next to Orly Airport, we didn’t think twice: we went there to confirm their presence and filmed them... prey to stereotyping. Since then, we had a bit more hope, but there wasn't enough time for a check of any kind to take place.



Yesterday, a supporter let us know of their presence in Épinay-sur-Orge, still in the Paris region. And there, once again, the pitfalls are piling up. The town published a press release stating that a veterinarian would be there so that the animals’ suffering would be reduced. The initial reaction was to celebrate, but why would we still let ourselves be fooled like this?

...or a “tide”?

A memorandum from the Ministry of the Ecological Transition, which we knew about and dated back to mid-October 2023, “relating to the checking procedure for travelling establishments keeping animals from a non-domestic species with a view to showing them to the public” specifically aims to put pressure on communities who refuse the presence of a circus with animals in their town.

The wording of this document and the accompanying email are totally biased. There was already a previous one a few years ago, between the ministerial measures and the law against animal mistreatment being drawn up.

This update is harmful: it presumes that the checks that it plans to carry out will guarantee the absence of animal mistreatment”! In travelling establishments, this is specifically targeted.

An overwhelming step back after the passing of the weak 2021 law

Nothing surprises us any more when this so-called ‘Ecological’ Ministry, who has still neither written nor published any kind of implementing decree, even though the implementation of the law was supposed to take place on its second anniversary at the end of the month. Neither for the animals kept in lorry-cages nor for the rest of them either (feline straying, dolphinariums, etc.). It is no longer about resistance: we went past this stage a long time ago.

The captive animal portfolio, from their exploitation to their disappearance in the wild

The rare progress made in 2020-2021 has been reduced to nothing. Circus performers’ proficiency certifications are now the same as those for zoos, and the regulations of those is about to be reviewed at a cut-rate. We are going to go to the State Council to fight against this dumbing down.

Worse, a leaflet glorifying the circus, written, created, and published by them, is being distributed by prefectures.

We will never stop calling out State ministers and junior ministers who follow each other’s lead: there has only been a guilty silence in response to our letters... But for Samba and all the others, after more than twenty years of persistent fighting, nothing will stop us.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

We will defend the animals from the Franco-Belge Circus before the courts. The fight for the lions at the Nouveau Cirque Triomphe continues in Grenoble

Comments 43

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

trochu | Wednesday 10 April 2024

Pour ce gouvernement et les autres, c'est l'indifférence totale concernant la protection des animaux. Les animaux qui "n'existent même pas à leurs yeux" mais ce n'est que le mépris, le détachement, la froideur qui les habite et nous ne pouvons qu'en être très attristés, mais aussi révoltés. Tous ces êtres vivants sont si intelligents, si émotionnels et sensibles, ils ont énormément de choses à apprendre aux humains. Ils sont non seulement fabuleux et merveilleux, mais surtout bien plus sensés et ont des valeurs fondamentales que l'humain n'a jamais eues pour beaucoup ou n'a plus pour d'autres. Toutes ces maltraitances, exploitations et cruautés envers les animaux reflètent malheureusement les mentalités d'aujourd'hui pour une grande majorité et c'est inquiétant. D'ailleurs, aucun politique n'a réellement de mots et de paroles pour la défense et protection des animaux dans son programme ce qui est déjà révélateur, les animaux ne votent pas, donc sont inintéressants pour la plupart... D'ailleurs, nous ne pouvons que constater le manque de bienveillance, de sympathie, de passion, de respect, d'amour et de sensibilité pour les animaux de par ces personnes-là pour lesquelles les animaux sont encore que "des objets ou meubles", car pour agir ainsi envers ces êtres vulnérables et fragiles quels qu'ils soient il ne faut pas être "humain" à part entière, mais complètement vides de tout et c'est lamentable et pitoyable, car ce sont des individus qui font les lois et qui décident de tout.

Mariec | Thursday 25 January 2024

Pas de surprise à l'image d'un état et des gouvernants stupides égoïstes et surtout d'une France décadente... on critique les terroristes mais avec ce qu'on inflige dans les abattoirs, dans des îles comme la Réunion et autres, nous ne valons guère mieux que des terroristes... mais ça touche les animaux alors c'est si peu important, la race humaine est l'erreur de cette terre.

Ysa | Thursday 25 January 2024

"Le jour où les humains comprendront qu'une pensée sans langage existe chez les animaux, nous mourrons de honte de les avoir enfermés dans des zoos, de les avoir fait souffrir pour notre plaisir et de les avoir humiliés par nos rires..."
Boris Cyrulnik

Zanimo | Friday 01 December 2023

Nos « politiques « , élus pour la plupart, représentent ce que nous sommes : des individus préoccupés exclusivement de leurs propres intérêts, sans égard pour les faibles, animaux comme humains. L’indifférence quasi générale reflète l’état de notre société qui va crevant, tranquillement ! Faisons ce que nous pouvons pour protéger les animaux qui sont notre vie et notre avenir.