Wednesday 06 November 2019 | 16

Dog training: the law of the strongest?

Dog training: the law of the strongest?

Mis à jour le 21 April 2020

We are to be sued by the High Court of Valencia for having, it is said, "tainted the entirety of a profession" by denouncing some of the methods that are used in dog training circles, images and testimonies to support.

Hr blog


They had asked for a postponement of the hearing, we did not oppose it, it was up to the court to decide.

On November 5th, the President of the 1st Chamber categorically opposed any dismissal, even in the short term, believing that the case was in good condition. There was therefore no argument. The matter was put under deliberation ration on January 14th 2020.

The survey dates back to 2014-2017. Several reported cases have led our investigators to infiltrate dog training centres. They brought back facts, images and statements that are spine chilling.

A report, supported by the analysis of a behaviourist veterinarian, and articles followed, reporting unprecedented brutality against dogs, committed in front of children (a fine example of education). We have produced scientific studies on the damage that can result from such activities, which psychologically break individuals to subject them to the law of the "master".

For having presented these facts, around thirty professionals are asking us today for more than 170,000 euros for "collective denigration".

Freedom of expression!

We are accused of misinformation when raw facts were filmed and we have also highlighted the training centres of this profession practicing methods of care, for balanced dogs and not to be traumatized, those who are willingly to learn are abandoned if they do not obey the finger and the eye.

By underlining the Link, this scientifically substantiated relationship between violence committed against animals and that against humans in the vicinity, we have highlighted the fact that brutality is neither an end in itself nor as animal psychology, but that it can have serious consequences. This remains visibly incomprehensible to many canine educators ...

A question of respect above all

If the investigations of the Zoé Cell, our ear on the ground against cruelty, produced scenes of maltreatment proven in various canine clubs, whose fault is it? One Voice has only denounced a pedagogy based on training and brutality, highlighting its shortcomings and consequences while stressing that other canine education methods, ethical and sustainable, exist ...

As a non-violent association committed for 25 years in the respect of all animals, we are proud to have denounced practices unworthy of fear of seeing them become widespread. We repeat: there is a positive and non-violent education of dogs provided by professionals. Many dogs are affected and we are talking about respect for others. We hope for the foresight of justice. Otherwise all excesses are allowed, the debate is no longer public and no progress is possible.

Frédéric Rideau
Hr blog

In the subject

Killing in pounds: the SACPA group tries to divert attention One Voice’s investigation into a 5-star pound: the industrial slaughter of cats and dogs

Comments 16

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Chabert Laurence | Wednesday 06 November 2019

Je fus éducateur canin spécialisé en comportement et je soutiens One Voice dans son combat. Je suis contre ces techniques coercitives en dit dressage ou éducation, même en club. Il existe de bonnes équipes qui respectent leurs partenaires canins et heureusement le travail peut être appris aux chiens sans les contraindre et sans souffrance. Il faut punir ces maltraitants et c'est aux commissions sportives canines de prendre ceci au sérieux. One Voice, merci de dénoncer ces pratiques barbares d'un autre temps et de continuer votre combat pour le bien et devenir des animaux.

soumrade | Wednesday 06 November 2019

Comment des propriétaires peuvent-ils accepter de traiter leurs chiens comme le montre la photo ? D'autres méthodes existent et un grand nombre d'éducateurs et non pas "dresseurs", qui prônent et utilisent des méthodes douces, se sont désolidarisés de ces personnages ! La publication de la liste de ces "contestataires" permettra de faire le tri entre ceux-ci "à fuir comme la peste" et les personnes responsables qui cherchent à ré-équilibrer le lien entre les propriétaires et leurs chiens et non pas à casser le chien ! Espérons que la justice vous donnera raison et les déboutera.

Chamane | Wednesday 06 November 2019

Continuer à dénoncer ces maltraitances est un devoir, la justice doit le reconnaître et agir pour éradiquer ces clubs. Les professionnels doivent se joindre à vous, ce serait tout à leur honneur d’éradiquer ce genre de clubs maltraitants.
La justice ne doit pas confondre, ce n’est pas One Voice qui discrédite la profession mais ceux qui dans ces clubs qui confondent éducation canine et utilisation de la violence transformant ces pauvres chiens en animaux potentiellement dangereux.