Monday 18 December 2023 | 5

Killing in pounds: the SACPA group tries to divert attention

Killing in pounds: the SACPA group tries to divert attention

Mis à jour le 15 April 2024

Following our investigation denouncing the policy for managing stray animals in France, the SACPA group has decided to refer to itself by publishing a press release in response to what it interprets our intentions to be - we are also touched to note that its Facebook and Instagram pages were created especially for the occasion - while at no point did we ever point the finger in their direction. On the contrary, we were even careful to point out that what was happening in the organisation that our images came from was compliant with legislation.

Hr blog

The aim of this investigation is to raise awareness among the entire population, both in the public arena and among our leaders. They need to understand that the situation will not change until real measures are taken: an urgent national plan for neutering cats; a ban on rehoming online by individuals; the strict application of the existing requirement for animal identification; the end of puppy parlours and other events promoting impulsive sales; severe criminal penalties for abandonment and acts of abuse.

Click the image to enlarge

“[...] ethical animal pounds” (sic)... Oh really?

Trying to justify killings by highlighting the animals who got out of this prison alive, all while implying that those who were slaughtered were “lucky” to still be alive after the legal deadline of eight days, does not in any way resolve that which we are condemning.

Is it really possible to be happy knowing that Cayenne, the Malinois whose killing we filmed, entered the pound on April 12 2023 and was killed on August 21 2023? Should we revel in knowing that he spent 133 days suffering mental and physical torture, locked within four walls without ever seeing outside, without any human warmth, without even a toy or a blanket, before being killed in cold blood, pressed against a wall, handled with no qualms until being lethally injected in the heart, spending his last moments of life alone and afraid?

Yes, we are relieved to learn that some were lucky enough to have been saved by associations after days of being locked up. But this will not make us forget the deaths; and it should not make us forget what these innocent animals experience when they go into pounds. Not everyone is lucky enough to survive and some end their days in conditions even worse than those we have revealed. On May 22 2024, a hearing will be held at the Perpignan legal tribunal against a manager at the SACPA pound in Perpignan for acts of cruelty. He is suspected of having carried out “savage euthanasias” and of having killed animals himself, which constitutes an illegal use of veterinary medicine, in addition to lack of care and abuse. We will of course be present at the hearing to give animals a voice.

We have also not forgotten the fate of the animals at the Passerelles Vers l’Emploi Pound and at SIVU 47.

Underneath all the smooth talking, thousands of animals suffer

In its press release, SACPA explained that several euthanasias happened following canine distemper. Does this diagnosis justify a living being being executed, without any consideration or dignity, in its own excrement? What does this say about the health measures implemented? With this virus being particularly contagious and dangerous for dogs, were strict isolation and quarantine measures carried out? Were the premises properly disinfected to put an end to the epidemic? We doubt it, given the number of contaminations within the pound itself and when, according to their own statement, the dogs develop the disease in the organisation, this is the reaction: “Regarding the Border Collie cross, female. Accidental arrival from the town of Peyremale. She was the source of the distemper virus [...]. She was resistant to treatment. Date of entry 14/07/2023. Date of medical euthanasia: 23/08/2023.” (sic)

Transparency is a facade

We are accused of not having made enquiries, of not having contacted management for a “guided tour” of the premises. However, at the end of August, we sent letters by recorded mail to 35 SACPA organisations in the country asking them for copies of their animal records for 2022. All were left without a reply. However, a call from management informed us of their intention to publish certain data online in 2024. While waiting, we have not obtained the requested documents. Can we believe for a single moment that we would have been let in and shown the true reality by filming this series of slaughters in these conditions?

As long as the law does not change to reduce the number of abandonments and slaughters in pounds, we will continue to condemn what is happening there. Should the private SACPA group not be supporting our fight and aligning with our requests to fight against these tragedies? But why would they? With the “management” of stray animals being their business, they have no interest in seeing abandonments decrease.

Help us to change the fate of thousands of animals each year: sign our petition for the end of killing in pounds.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Cléa Capelli
Hr blog

In the subject

One Voice’s investigation into a 5-star pound: the industrial slaughter of cats and dogs Stray animals: France opts for massacring at pounds

Comments 5

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Anne Machet | Thursday 29 February 2024

C'est honteux !

paola | Monday 25 December 2023

Désolant ces raisonnements. La plupart d'entre nous ignorent ces horreurs. Quelle barbarie ! Heureusement que certaines associations osent dénoncer. Merci pour votre travail, mais à quand de vraies fourrières avec des humains respectueux ???
Mr Macron ne voit déjà pas la violence d'une certaine jeunesse alors les animaux... Sait-il seulement qu'ils souffrent le martyr ? Bien trop souvent avec des lois non appliquées, non respectées et des gens non formés et bien souvent plus dangereux que les animaux

therese | Saturday 23 December 2023

Cela m'a fendu le coeur, je ne m'attendais pas à un acte aussi ignoble, violent, choquant, abject, immoral. L'animal innocent qui se fait tuer bêtement par des mains inhumaines sans état d'âme, cela m'a profondément révoltée. J'ai pas honte de dire que j'ai versé des larmes. A quelques jours de Noël ? comment ne pas penser à ces pauvres animaux, emprisonnés en fourrière, qui attendent leur injuste condamnation à mort ? Pour eux, pas de cadeau, l'indifférence quasi générale, abandonnés de tous à leur triste sort, le pire cadeau qui soit : la mort avec la fameuse injection mortelle. En France, la peine de mort a été abolie pour les humains criminels mais elle est toujours en vigueur pour les chiens et chats innocents, deux poids deux mesures. Mais quels politiques auront le courage et la volonté de revoir cette loi sur l'euthanasie pratiquée abusivement en fourrière y compris sur des animaux non malades, innocent ou qu'on peut soigner. Pour finir : A méditer cette citation : « S’il y a des hommes qui excluent toute créature de Dieu de l’abri, de la compassion et de la désolation, il y aura des hommes qui feront de même pour leurs semblables. » (François d'Assise, le Saint Patron des Animaux).

Fanny | Thursday 21 December 2023

Stop à cette barbarie