Victory for birds: traditional hunting banned for good!

Victory for birds: traditional hunting banned for good!

Victory for birds: traditional hunting banned for good!
Victory for birds: traditional hunting banned for good!

It was a long and difficult battle, from the administrative courts to the Conseil d’État, via the European Court of Justice. Years later, after dozens of legal actions and hundreds of thousands of skylarks saved, we finally got the courts to put an end to traditional hunting. One Voice and the Ligue pour la protection des oiseaux (LPO) have appealed to the Conseil d’État, which has annulled the decrees authorizing capture with “pantes” (nets) and “matoles” (cages) in the South-West of France. For the first time in decades, no bird in France can be subjected to these particularly cruel “leisure activities”.

No more pantes and matoles!

Every year, in the Landes, the Lot-et-Garonne, the Gironde and the Pyrénées-Atlantiques departments, hunters were allowed to kill tens of thousands of birds with matoles and pantes. They used individuals as “decoy-birds” to attract the skylarks before activating their traps: cages and nets that collapsed violently, pinning the animals to the ground. All the trappers had to do was pick them up and finish the job.

Every year since 2021, we’ve managed to get the Conseil d’État to urgently suspend these outdated practices. This time, we went even further and, together with the LPO, demanded the definitive repeal of the decrees authorizing the very principle of these devices. And, once again, the courts ruled in favor of the birds!

Will the State continue to persist ? We won’t let our guard down!

This decision is the fruit of a long struggle against these traditions, which cause thousands of animals to suffer for the sole purpose of entertaining a handful of individuals. After our victory before the European Court of Justice in 2021, we had already obtained a ban on glue, then on “tenderies”, which trapped the birds using strings, then on “tendelles”, which crushed the birds under a rock. All that remained were matoles and pantes. With this decision, for the first time in decades, traditional hunting is no longer authorized in France!

But as we all know, the State will do anything to satisfy hunters, as demonstrated by its authorization of “scientific experiments” in autumn 2023, the sole aim of which was to justify these archaic practices (and whose suspension we largely succeeded in obtaining)… Despite this victory, which marks a crucial stage in the fight, we will not drop our guard: if the government continues to be relentless, we will be there!

Monkeys from Mauritius transported by Ethiopian Airlines to the United States

Monkeys from Mauritius transported by Ethiopian Airlines to the United States

Monkeys from Mauritius transported by Ethiopian Airlines to the United States
Monkeys from Mauritius transported by Ethiopian Airlines to the United States
Animal testing

One Voice has been warned by Action for Primates of Ethiopian Airlines’ involvement in transporting monkeys originating from Mauritius from Ethiopia to the United States.

These intelligent and sensitive animals are subjected to unimaginable stress and anxiety, shut up in small crates and loaded into the hold, exposed to the exceptional, confusing, scary sounds and sensations of a flight over thousands of kilometres around the world. It is a cruel and barbaric business.

Join us, Abolición Vivisección, Action for Primates, Cheshire Animal Rights Campaigns, Monkey Massacre in Mauritius, One Voice, and PeTA, to ask Ethiopian Airlines to definitively stop their active and commercial involvement in transporting monkeys for a life of endless experimentation and sign the petition to tell the French government: stop using macaques in laboratories!

Email template : 

Mr Mesfin Tasew Bekele
Group Chief Executive Officer
Ethiopian Airlines

I have learnt that Ethiopian Airlines is transporting endangered wild species (long-tailed macaques) for the research industry. Two hundred and fifty monkeys, originating in Mauritius, were loaded into the holds of your airline company in April 2024.

I urge you to immediately stop transporting monkeys and to join the growing number of airline companies, including many of the largest and most respected worldwide, who have stopped sending monkeys to laboratories.


Send to: Mesfin Tasew Bekele with and in copy

Discover our infiltration investigation into Mauritian breeding farms

Official opening of the Yeu Island Chatipi on 30 April 2024

Official opening of the Yeu Island Chatipi on 30 April 2024

Official opening of the Yeu Island Chatipi on 30 April 2024
Official opening of the Yeu Island Chatipi on 30 April 2024

One Voice, who have fought against feline straying for years, are implementing three-way partnerships with town councils or drop-in centres and local associations to microchip, neuter, and care for homeless cats and release them, while providing them with a wooden chalet for them to rehydrate themselves, eat, and take shelter. The Chatipi programme therefore allows cats without a human family to find shelter. The Chat Toit Yeu and the Yeu Island town council have contacted One Voice for this. The official opening will take place at the Chatipi on Tuesday 30 April at 11:30am on rue Saint-Hilaire (Grotte de Saint-Amand) on Yeu Island.

The official opening will take place in the presence of the Mayoress, Carole Charuau and her deputy, Ms Le Ralle, and the local Chat Toit Yeu Association in the form of its president, Ms Agathe Dupont Sacquépée, treasurer, Ms Laura Charuau, and Ms Claire Walder-Jarny, their executive secretary who will also represent One Voice in her capacity as volunteer for the association.

Chatipi: a lasting solution for the vicious circle of feline straying

On Yeu Island, many cats who are traumatised by their life of straying cannot be placed with a family. On the island, they lack a safe place where they can release these cats after they have been neutered and a place where they can be fed and monitored. Contrary to popular belief, our feline companions that are abandoned and returned to a life far from humans struggle to survive. They are faced with hunger, bad weather, and illnesses, and they reproduce indefinitely. The Chatipi will offer them the protection they need and will also raise awareness of stray cats’ distress among the local population and tourists. It is for this purpose that several Chatipis have been established throughout France near residential care homes for the elderly, nursing homes, or hospitals to bring comfort to the residents, and close to schools.

Caring for cats to protect biodiversity

Due to the specific nature of this island town, the impact of neglected and starving cats on local biodiversity is all the more significant. Thanks to the Chatipi, cats will be neutered and fed daily, all while benefiting from a comfortable place to live; small wildlife will also be protected.

Sharing out tasks and responsibilities

One Voice, who invented the Chatipi concept, provides the chalet and the cat flaps, the kibble, and the veterinary fees (neutering, microchipping, tests) for 15 cats at the beginning of the operation as well as the educational board. Two cats have already been able to be neutered as part of the Chatipi programme thanks to the work of the Chat Toit Yeu Association and residents worried about cats who have helped with trapping them and taking them to the veterinary clinic. The association has also taken care of ensuring that they are fed every day and the daily maintenance of the chalet. The local council is in charge of building the chalet.

The One Voice site dedicated to the Chatipi programme presents lots of information regarding this educational programme on cats. Sign our petition calling for an urgent plan to sort out the problem of feline straying.

To keep Briançon’s cats safe, a Chatipi will be opening on Tuesday 20 April 2024 at 5pm

To keep Briançon’s cats safe, a Chatipi will be opening on Tuesday 20 April 2024 at 5pm

To keep Briançon’s cats safe, a Chatipi will be opening on Tuesday 20 April 2024 at 5pm
To keep Briançon’s cats safe, a Chatipi will be opening on Tuesday 20 April 2024 at 5pm

One Voice, who have fought against feline straying for years, is implementing three-way partnerships with town councils or drop-in centres and local associations to microchip and neuter homeless cats and release them, while providing them with a wooden chalet for them to rehydrate themselves, eat, and take comfort. The SOS Chats des rues du Briançonnais [SOS Briançon Street Cat] Association, situated in the Hautes-Alpes department, which is very invested in protecting stray cats, has contacted the One Voice Association to take charge of the situation in the town with the help of the Briançon town council. The Chatipi programme therefore means that cats without a human family will no longer suffer from deprivation. The official opening of the Chatipi will take place in Briançon on Tuesday 30 April at 5pm.

Photo credit : SOS Chats des rues du Briançonnais

The official opening will take place on Tuesday 30 April at 5pm in front of the Chatipi that is located in ‘Petit Bois’ on the route des Toulouzannes in Briançon. It will take place in the presence of Mr. Hervé Boulais, municipal councillor responsible for culture, tourism, and enhancing the town, and Cité Vauban and the SOS Chats des rue du Briançonnais Association, with the participation of its president, Ms Jacqueline Gaillard, her vice-president, Ms Dominique Chone, her secretary, Ms Rachel Touverey Praly, and her treasurer, Ms Caroline Vassault. The One Voice Association will be represented by Ms Mathilde Perrot who is in charge of the Chatipi projects.

Chatipi: a lasting solution for the misery caused by feline straying

Chatipi is a plan with the ethical aim of creating areas for stray cats in order to keep them safe while raising awareness among citizens of their suffering and needs. Around twenty are currently being developed. Several Chatipis have been established near residential care homes for the elderly, nursing homes, or hospitals to bring comfort to the residents, and close to schools as One Voice’s goal is to raise awareness about cats.

In fact, young cats are too often wrongly described as independent animals that know how to fend for themselves. In reality, for the millions of them that are condemned to a life of straying, survival conditions are miserable: prey to hunger, thirst, illnesses, bad weather, sometimes human violence… Starting as un-neutered house cats, stray cats are destined for an infernal cycle of breeding, leading to fights, illnesses, and untreated wounds. Even if kittens born outside survive, they are in turn condemned to this life of misery, perpetuating indefinite births.

Sharing out tasks and responsibilities

One Voice, who invented the concept of a Chatipi, provided the chalet, cat flaps, and educational information boards. The veterinary fees (neutering, microchipping, tests) for 15 cats will also be taken care of, as well as several kilos of food in order to help kickstart the operation.

For their part, the town council poured the concrete slab and assembled the chalet, as well as the fenced enclosure to protect it.

Finally, the SOS Chats des rues du Briançonnais Association, already very active in this domain with more than 150 stray cats being neutered yearly, will ensure that the health of the feline population living in the Chatipi will be monitored and will be in charge of trapping, feeding, long-term veterinary fees, and cleaning the chalet. In total, around fifteen cats should benefit from the Briançon Chatipi.

The website dedicated to the Chatipi programme was launched at the beginning of March 2022 and gives a lot of information on this educational programme on cats. Sign our petition calling for an urgent plan for feline straying.

One Voice, Animal Cross, and AVES are attacking the ministerial decree authorising new killings for wolves

One Voice, Animal Cross, and AVES are attacking the ministerial decree authorising new killings for wolves

One Voice, Animal Cross, and AVES are attacking the ministerial decree authorising new killings for wolves
One Voice, Animal Cross, and AVES are attacking the ministerial decree authorising new killings for wolves

After the publication of the national action plan for wolves and farming activities revealed an openly anti-wolf stance, a few weeks ago, the government published a new decree in order to further relax the conditions in which these animals can be killed. Because the writing of it is vague and not very detailed, and therefore even more permissive, we have, along with Animal Cross and AVES, filed a plea before the State Council to request its cancellation.

Measures that are in all likelihood illegal

An increase in the number of shooters during simple defence authorisations, according to “objective criteria”… which the ministries have not taken the trouble to go into detail about; the lack of any requirement to implement scaring methods prior to any lethal shooting; the removal of the obligation to identify “targets” before firing; maintaining the shooting authorisation after a wolf is killed…

The objective is clear: the State does not want to give wolves the slightest chance, giving them even fewer possibilities of escaping.

The majority are opposed, and yet…

During the public consultation on this project, 98.58% of opinions given were unfavourable! The French National Council for the Protection of Nature (CNPN), made up of experts and scientists on issues relating to biodiversity, also opposed it several times without much success (“We must remember that, since the start of the national action plan for wolves and farming activities 2018-2023, the CNPN has been contacted three times regarding decree projects with the same subject as the ones on which the CNPN has, until now, given unfavourable opinions on, of which the latest was unanimous.”).

By allowing wolves to be even more easily slaughtered, ministries are calling into question the survival of the entire species, which, let’s not forget, is still strictly protected at this time.

For all of these reasons, we have decided, with Animal Cross and AVES, to join forces and attack this decree to request that it be cancelled. Even if the fight is tough against agricultural and hunting lobbies, we will never give up. Along with us, demand protection for these magnificent animals who enrich our very fragile biodiversity and have a right to live in peace.

Following the wolves, dogs are being slaughtered to pacify farmers

Following the wolves, dogs are being slaughtered to pacify farmers

Following the wolves, dogs are being slaughtered to pacify farmers
Following the wolves, dogs are being slaughtered to pacify farmers
Zoe Cell

Although a vast majority of herds in Aveyron are not protected due to the “sheep density” in the department (more than 110,000 sheep), the State has chosen the usual solution: kill, kill, and kill some more! And when wolves are not targeted, it’s dogs’ turn. Clearly, a building, a human presence, or anything else are not options for them: we should not start spending money on animals that will end up in the slaughterhouse anyway… We are attacking this decree.

Lost dogs, deemed ‘malicious’, shot on sight

From 10 April until 10 May, all “stray, wandering, or bad” dogs approaching herds in Couvertoirade, Hospitalet-du-Larzac, Nant, Sainte-Eulalie-de-Cernon, and Saint-Jean-et-Saint-Paul can be slaughtered overnight (between 8pm and 8am).

Do we still need to remind ourselves that animals are not “bad” by nature, but that it is circumstances that make them aggressive, such as hunger or violent training? The choice of this term, in official laws, is significant…

All dogs that are “out of earshot” or more than 100 metres away from their owner can be targeted. Those living in Aveyron: be careful during your evening or morning walks not to lose sight of your pets, and to bring them in at night. If not, they could be slaughtered in the vicinity of pastures.

There is little distinction between dogs and wolves in Aveyron

The Aveyron prefect’s choice is revealing of the State’s negligence on this subject. Rather than supporting farmers by training them in implementing protection measures and subsidising them to help them to set guidelines for cows and horses, the government can no longer hide its anti-wolf/pro-farming position. They prefer to relax conditions for slaughtering rather than making protection measures for all types of animals obligatory.

Dogs, wolves, and any other type of living being: we will continue to defend them in the face of agricultural and hunting lobbies. For these dogs, who may have been abandoned and are struggling to survive, or are quite simply lost and making do as best they can, and who the prefect prefers to have killed rather than help, we are attacking this decree. For wolves, join the fight: sign our petition to demand their protection and an end to shooting them.

The additional period for underground hunting with hounds cancelled in five new departments!

The additional period for underground hunting with hounds cancelled in five new departments!

The additional period for underground hunting with hounds cancelled in five new departments!
The additional period for underground hunting with hounds cancelled in five new departments!

In 2023, badger families in Aube, Haute-Marne, Aisne, Ardennes, and the Pyrénées-Atlantiques have been able to spend the spring sheltered from diggers. On our own in Aube and with AVES in the four other departments, we have obtained an urgent suspension of all of these decrees that were authorising the killing of hundreds of individuals after hours of suffering. With five new decisions, the administrative tribunals in Châlons-en-Champagne, Amiens, and Pau have definitively confirmed that digging out in the spring and summer was in fact illegal! A new step in the fight against underground hunting with hounds, a few weeks before the opening of the additional period.

A consensus from the tribunals: yes, underground hunting with hounds kills the young!

For its supporters, underground hunting with hounds is a “selective” type of hunting. We would laugh at such an idea if, every year, thousands of badgers did not perish at the hands of diggers following a relentless hunt. Because reality is much darker: hunters destroy everything in their way and, when they are not directly killed, the young, whose parents have been slaughtered, are left to their own devices and end up dying alone.

Despite delays by our opponents, the debate is now over: the State Council has confirmed that the law strictly bans killing the young. And tribunal after tribunal, the legal system is stating that underground hunting with hounds directly puts badger cubs in danger, as the tribunals have just done in Amiens and Châlons-en-Champagne.

Making animals suffer in the name of a hobby: that’s enough!

Authorising the killing of thousands of animals so that hunters who are bored can let off steam outside of the hunting season: this is the real reason for prefects’ determination to authorise this practice. Rather than assuming, they put forward more and more arguments that are faker than the last. But now, masks are slipping, and systematically accusing badgers of all evils no longer works!

A few weeks before the opening of the additional periods for 2024, these legal decisions are sending a clear message to prefects: do not authorise digging out in the spring or summer! To send this message along with us, sign our petition against underground badger hunting with hounds for a radical reform of hunting. More than eight in ten French people (84%) are already in favour of a ban on digging out (IPSOS/One Voice survey, October 2023). It is time to act.

To carry out tests on macaques, the State, via CNRS, is paying 10 million euros to a breeding farm in Mauritius

To carry out tests on macaques, the State, via CNRS, is paying 10 million euros to a breeding farm in Mauritius

To carry out tests on macaques, the State, via CNRS, is paying 10 million euros to a breeding farm in Mauritius
To carry out tests on macaques, the State, via CNRS, is paying 10 million euros to a breeding farm in Mauritius
Animal testing

At the end of 2023, a farm breeding monkeys in Mauritius won a tender to send 500 monkeys to the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS). Following this purchase funded by public money, they will be used to breed from, and their young will be experimented on before being, for the vast majority of them if not all of them, slaughtered. Faced with funding that always comes at animals’ expense, with our partners Action for Primates, Abolición Vivisección, Peta US, and Monkey Massacre Mauritius, we are calling on the French government and the public to join us.

In November 2023, we published our investigation into six of the seven Mauritian “farms” who export more than 10,000 long-tailed macaques to laboratories throughout the world every year. Far from taking measures against captures in the wild or the squalid conditions that these animals are kept in within breeding farms on the island, the French State has handed over no less than 10 million euros to one of them.

By winning this public call for tenders, Les Campêches Ltd hit the jackpot and it will be the monkeys and their descendants who will pay the highest price. Sent to France to CNRS infrastructures after having been torn from their natural habitat, the monkeys will be forced to bring babies into the world who will be subjected to all kinds of tests or will remain caged for life as ‘stock’. Once they are no longer considered useful to laboratory technicians, they will be killed with no qualms.

Funding allocated to the detriment of implementing alternatives

To impose captivity, injections, and samples of all kinds from more than 2000 long-tailed macaques per year, public authorities are always there. But researching non-animal methods is another story, with the money invested by the FC3R [French 3Rs Centre] since 2021  not even reaching a million euros. While 81% of French people are in favour of developing alternatives for animal testing… In agreement with citizens and in the name of animals, we will continue to hold those who are responsible for these issues accountable, on a national level and in Europe.

To put an end to these cruel and outdated practices, demand an end to the use of macaques in laboratories with us by signing our petition, get ready to join the rallies that will take place on 20 and 21 April throughout France initiated by One Voice for World Day for Animals in Laboratories, and you too can also write to the authorities!

By letter:

On Twitter/X (copy/paste the text)

.@sretailleau, @CNRS: with @onevoiceanimal, @Action4Primates, @StopCamarles, @peta and #MonkeyMassacreMauritius, I refuse for my taxes to fund #AnimalTesting on long-tailed macaques coming from the island of Mauritius. #LabMonkeys

Kittens thrown from the top of a bridge by a teenager: the need to raise awareness of animal suffering among young people

Kittens thrown from the top of a bridge by a teenager: the need to raise awareness of animal suffering among young people

Kittens thrown from the top of a bridge by a teenager: the need to raise awareness of animal suffering among young people
Kittens thrown from the top of a bridge by a teenager: the need to raise awareness of animal suffering among young people
Zoe Cell

Pont de Bruéjouls, Aveyron, Sunday 7 April 2024. A 16-year-old teenager, filmed by his girlfriend according to our source, threw newborn kittens from the top of a bridge, directly into a river. For the kittens, who will not have survived, and to ensure that the link between violence on human and animal victims is recognised, we are filing a complaint against the perpetrator but also his girlfriend who filmed the scene without intervening. We are also strongly urging our institutions to take action on the responsibility of adults and society as a whole to educate young people about empathy towards animals.

Indifferent to these newborns’ distress cries looking for their mother and certainly hungry, the boy, all smiles in front of the camera, did not hesitate for a second in engaging in these acts of unspeakable cruelty.

How can a minor commit such acts without batting an eyelid

Not to mention the education provided by his parents and the school system, it is society as a whole and its way of considering individuals of other species that must be called into question. It normalises violence towards and the torture of living beings in front of often very young children, by specifically authorising them to be present during hunting parties, by inciting them to torture bulls in bull fighting schools, by allowing them to witness killings preceded by barbaric acts during bull fights, by perpetuating ‘traditions’ that normalise the exploitation and slaughter of animals for entertainment purposes, or by making demeaning shows in circuses and dolphinariums “fun”. All of this instead of dedicating a few hours of lessons in schools to raising awareness of pet animals in particular, but all animals in general…

One and the same violence

The teenager went to the police station himself, undoubtedly overwhelmed by the scale of the situation. This does not take anything away from the serious nature of his actions, but it is a good thing nonetheless. Harassing him online will in no way resolve the situation and this is why we are calling on everyone to moderate their comments and not to engage in a ‘manhunt’. The same thing goes for the person that was filming.

We are filing a complaint so that these individuals will be tried and will have to respond for their actions. So that this violence that is within them does not happen again in the future and so that justice prevails over cruelty.

Studies have shown this: if violence towards animals is not taken seriously, violence on humans will continuea multitude of countries are aware of this. But once again, France is lagging behind, who should have dealt with this issue during the debates on the 30 November 2021 law. This was not the case.

Neutering is the only solution to put an end to cats’ misery

We also spare a thought for the cat who had to desperately look for her kittens for several days, and for all of the kittens killed by reckless idiots who refuse to have a simple surgical operation carried out: neutering. A horror story that could be avoided so easily… In the past, it was commonplace in France to kill kittens, stray or otherwise. We can only celebrate the fact that this is less and less the case, but this must be accompanied by the necessary measures, both to protect biodiversity and to prevent cats from living without shelter. We are continuing to progress in this area. For the millions of stray cats subjected every day to hunger, bad weather, illness, and the infernal cycle of repeated litters, we are asking for obligatory neutering, as is already the case in Spain and Belgium.

Along with us, demand sanctions commensurate with the acts of abuse committed, and insist on an urgent plan for stray cats.

The end of traditional hunting? Hearing on 4 April at the State Council!

The end of traditional hunting? Hearing on 4 April at the State Council!

The end of traditional hunting? Hearing on 4 April at the State Council!
The end of traditional hunting? Hearing on 4 April at the State Council!

Each year, tens of thousands of birds are killed under the context of so-called ‘traditional’ hunting methods. For several years, we, One Voice and the LPO, have been obtaining one victory after the next, but, as always when it comes to killing animals, the government are set against us. On 4 April 2024 at 9:30am, One Voice will be at the State Council to demand the definitive cancellation of the decrees authorising cages and nets in Landes, the Pyrénées-Atlantiques, Gironde, and Lot-et-Garonne. If the judges rule in our favour, traditional bird hunting in France will be over!

Massacring field larks in the name of tradition: that’s enough!

The principle of nets and cages is simple. Step one: capture a field lark, tie it up by the leg, and shut it into a cage. Step two: pull on the string so that it emits distress calls. Step three: quietly wait for the other field larks to come closer, then activate the mechanism. The cages or nets fall, and hundreds of birds are captured before being killed, often by hand or with a knife.

In 2022, the Ministry for the Ecological Transition, still concerned about preserving this deadly hobby, authorised the capture of almost 110,000 larks in Gironde, Landes, Lot-et-Garonne, and the Pyrénées-Atlantiques. A planned massacre for these birds whose population decreased by 22.9% between 2001 and 2019… Fortunately, our emergency appeals once again allowed the two decrees authorising hunting and the two authorising the very principle of nets and cages to be suspended!

After year of pleas, the end of traditional hunting has never been so close

The south-west is not the only place concerned: there is also Lozère and Aveyron with stone traps, or Ardennes with bird traps. For years, we have been leading a frenzied fight to put an end to these hobbies from another era. Faced with the unbearable persistence of the Ministry, who take out new decrees every year despite our chain of victories, we are now asking for a definitive cancellation of the decrees authorising even the principle of these traps!

Victory has never been so close. After getting glue hunting abolished in 2021 and stone traps in 2023, we have referred to the State Council so that they will get nets and cages thrown back into the oblivion of history, as they did already for all other types of traditional hunting. And, each time that the Ministry tries to scheme to sneakily authorise these practices, as it did recently through scientific pseudo-experiments that we attacked, we will be there!

On 4 April at 9:30am, we will give field larks a voice at the State Council. To say stop to this, sign our petition for a radical reform of hunting!