Tuesday 20 December 2022 | 16

Passerelles Pound: a German Shepherd killed after the death of her human

Passerelles Pound: a German Shepherd killed after the death of her human

Mis à jour le 24 January 2023

We crossed paths with Holga. This dog was sent to a pound after the loss of her human companion. She waited there with no care and no attention before being eliminated like a piece of rubbish.

Hr blog

She was called Holga. This German Shepherd had a happy existence for a long time with her human. She watched over him for years, offering him tenderness and loyalty. And she had visibly been very loved in return.

And then everything changed: elderly, the man passed away. As often happens in this situation, the family did not want to take Holga in. The children contacted the Passerelles Pound to get rid of her...

Abandonment added to the pain of grief for the dog. Placed in quarantine on 23 November 2021, Holga found herself in a cold and bare cage.


When our investigators went there for the first time, they saw that she was injured, languishing behind bars. At that time, they did not know why she was there: was she boarding, at the shelter, or impounded? It was only during their second visit a few days later when they discovered her body in a freezer, her notes filed under deceased animals (with no mention of her serious injury) and her — brief — history, that they realised the tragedy that had happened behind closed doors.

The tragic story of Holga is not an isolated case. Thousands of animals perish in the same way in our country when their human dies or falls ill. Whatever their state of health, abandoned by everyone, they are slaughtered without being put up for adoption or if they are not adopted.

Rally with us to get Holga’s story known, just as despicable for her as the memory of her old friend. Everyone must be made aware that sometimes dogs, and often cats, are treated as rubbish by pounds.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Marie-Sophie Bazin
Hr blog

In the subject

Killing in pounds: the SACPA group tries to divert attention One Voice’s investigation into a 5-star pound: the industrial slaughter of cats and dogs

Comments 16

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Alaska | Tuesday 20 December 2022

C'est horrible de finir comme ça, sa famille aurait pu trouver une solution.
Je ne comprends pas comment on peut en arriver à cela.
Une solution est toujours possible mais pas celle-ci, son maître décédé n'aurait sûrement pas voulu ça.
J'espère qu'il sont ensemble maintenant.
Histoire encore très triste.

Maecki | Tuesday 20 December 2022

La triste histoire d’Holga me suggère deux remarques :
Les héritiers du propriétaire décédé n’ont pas voulu déposer Holga à la SPA, car l’acte est payant ?
Quand on vieillit, mieux vaut faire un rapide calcul et ne prendre que de « vieux » compagnons issus de la SPA, des refuges ou retraités « à placer » des élevages.
Certes, on s’expose à devoir assurer les derniers moments de compagnons à 4-pattes, mais on lui doit bien cela en échange de son amour.

Joël | Tuesday 20 December 2022

Que c'est triste.
Quand les humains prendront-ils conscience que les animaux ne sont pas de vulgaires objets, mais aussi des êtres sensibles, qui souffrent en silence et malheureusement dans l'indifférence ?
Repose en paix Holga.

Isaline | Tuesday 20 December 2022

Pauvre chienne, c'est tellement triste son histoire et injuste.
Elle aurait pu être soignée et adoptée.
Nous vivons dans un monde cruel et les animaux sont les premiers à subir cela.
Trop d'animaux en bonne santé sont tués pour rien, juste pour faire de la place.
Repose en paix Holga près de ton maître.
Je vais signer la pétition et la partager.