The screams of angora rabbits in France should not be drowned out by music!

The screams of angora rabbits in France should not be drowned out by music!

The screams of angora rabbits in France should not be drowned out by music!
The screams of angora rabbits in France should not be drowned out by music!
Once again we are forced to publish stomach-churning images in order to denounce the violence inherent in the breeding and farming of angora rabbits.

Stop Angora

In 2020 the usual method of collecting their ‘wool’ is still to fasten them by their paws to a board, stretch them out so that they cannot move and pull out almost all their fur by the handful.
As a result of the decision of the Council of State to allow this method to continue we have submitted a complaint to the European Court of Justice.

Having heard the strident cries of rabbits having their fur pulled out the first time we infiltrated this sordid business in 2016, followed by the images published in 2018 and those taken this year, once again it is impossible not to be appalled that the authorities in France are continuing to turn a blind eye to the abuse. When we complained to the Council of State, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food insisted that the plucking process was non-invasive. They maintained that it was legal, basing their assertion on the conclusions of a report by INRA (Institut national de la recherche agronomique – National Institute of Agricultural Research) that turned out never to have existed!

A complaint to Europe

In parallel with numerous joint actions with our partner PETA France to raise public awareness, we decided to bring a complaint to Europe, because this simply cannot go on. The chilling cries of these rabbits, whose fur is pulled out without anaesthetic several times a year, sometimes shreds of their skin coming off with it – that must end!


Our latest investigation strengthens our determination to save these rabbits

The rabbits struggle wildly, attempting with all their strength to break free. And when the breeder resumes plucking, which is tantamount to torture, they scream in terror and pain. In the wild rabbits use their voices only in very exceptional circumstances: when there is great danger. Most on these premises are does. The bucks are killed shortly after they are born because their fur is not as dense. Only those that have the densest fur and are therefore the most profitable are kept for breeding. Approximately one hundred and seventy does spend their entire lives shut up in the hutches of this well-known breeder, plucked in this way several times a year, often in the presence of the breeder’s dog and sometimes other rabbits. During our infiltration we even discovered that he sold sick animals to vivisection laboratories – the ultimate horror for these poor creatures. Please support our complaint to the European Court of Justice by signing our petition !



For a radical* reform of hunting
In France, hunting kills 45 million free-ranging or farmed wild animals every year (including 30 million born in the wild), not counting the “collateral” human and animal victims.

Receiver(s) : Emmanuel Macron (Président de la République) 

*Radical: adjective Aiming at acting upon the deep-rooted cause of what one wants to change


In France, hunting kills every year 45 million born free or bred in farms wild animals, not to mention the collateral victims, humans and animals alike.

Hunting is neither leisurely nor a way of life !
And it is not by replacing terms such as « kill » or « slaughter » with others like « manage », « withdraw » or « serve » that the activity will be less cruel to animals or less damaging to Nature.


It is high time such a destructive activity is banned.
In the meantime, here are ten criteria to reform this activity:


  1. An independent hunting police;
  2. A ban of hunting species with a precarious conservation status ;
  3. A ban of hunting during the breeding season ;
  4. A ban on killing traps ;
  5. The end of « traditional » hunting methods (glue, dead fall traps for birds, snares, hunting on lacs, hunting on the slopes …) ;
  6. A ban on underground hunting for all species ;
  7. A ban on hunting with hounds for all species ;
  8. A ban on hunting in protected areas (National Parks, Natural Reserves, Biological Reserves) ;
  9. 2 day a week without hunting or trapping (including Sundays) and during the whole of the school holidays;
  10. Yearly compulsory health’s check to obtain a hunting licence including an eye test.


We, the undersigned, require alongside the association One Voice a radical reform of Hunting!
Love of nature does not rhyme with destruction, degradation and animal suffering but with respect and wonderment.


With the support of:
Laurent Baheux – Photographe
Fabrice Nicolino – Journaliste
Laurence Parisot – Dirigeante d’Entreprise
Pierre Rigaux – Naturaliste
Franck Sorbier – Grand Couturier et Maître d’Art
Pierre Athanaze – Naturaliste et forestier
Yolaine de la Bigne – Journaliste et auteure
Vincent Munier – Photographe
Paul Watson – Activiste de la cause animale, capitaine de navire
Marc Giraud – Naturaliste et écrivain

Penned hunting infiltrated by One Voice

Penned hunting infiltrated by One Voice

Penned hunting infiltrated by One Voice
Penned hunting infiltrated by One Voice
During the 2020-2021 season One Voice investigators infiltrated penned-hunting circles. Pregnant sows, animals in their death throes, with no escape.

During the 2020-2021 season One Voice investigators infiltrated penned-hunting circles. Pregnant sows, animals in their death throes, with no escape.

Winter 2020-21 investigation

Sologne investigation, Spring 2021

Let’s close down animal breeding farms

Let’s close down animal breeding farms

Let’s close down animal breeding farms
Let’s close down wild animal farms!
Hunting or slaughterhouses: let’s shut them down.
The situation
Hunting or slaughterhouses: let’s shut them down.

In our country, when wild animals are free, they are slaughtered under the guise of « regulation » for the « leisure » of some.

La législation ne les protège pas. D’autres animaux sauvages, eux, naissent captifs, et leur sort n’est guère différent : ils seront relâchés pour des parties de chasse ou envoyés à l’abattoir. En voici la carte des élevages officiels.

Il existe de nombreux élevages, partout sur notre territoire. Sangliers, cerfs, perdrix, faisans… Ils servent d’excuse aux chasseurs qui crient à qui mieux mieux qu’ils repeuplent et régulent quand il suffirait de laisser la nature agir. Ils approvisionnent aussi les parcs privés de chasseurs en enclos, les étagères d’épiceries et des restaurants.

Dès qu’un animal est considéré comme du gibier, l’arsenal législatif se déploie pour autoriser autant de dérogations qu’il y a de cas, permettant de le mettre à mort de toutes les manières possibles. Piégé, traqué, élevé et envoyé à l’abattoir… C’est inadmissible.

Nous, soussignés, demandons la disparition des élevages d’animaux sauvages destinés à la chasse ou l’abattoir !

No to experiments on grey mouse lemurs

No to experiments on grey mouse lemurs

No to experiments on grey mouse lemurs
Animal experimentation
No to experiments on grey mouse lemurs
The Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle has the largest breeding facility for these tiny primates.
The situation
The Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle has the largest breeding facility for these tiny primates.

It uses them for experimentation and sales to other laboratories around the world.

For the attention of the Préfet de l’Essonne

With almost five hundred individuals, the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle has the largest breeding farm of grey mouse lemurs in the world. These wide-eyed primates, whose species originates from Madagascar, are used for experimentation and sale to other laboratories around the world.

These lemurs from the MNHN’s Brunoy annex weigh around sixty grams each and are as manageable as mice. But their genetic code suggests that the results of their research will be more easily transposable to the human species… The research focuses on the functioning of the nervous system and hormones, particularly in relation to digestion, and is causing these little primates sometimes severe suffering.

All were subsequently euthanized or decapitated, their bodies autopsied, sampled and sent for post-mortem analysis.

One Voice wrote to the President of the MNHN, the Director of the Essonne DDPP and the French Minister for Higher Education, Research and Innovation, to find out exactly what was happening to the grey mouse lemurs on the benches of the National Museum of Natural History’s Brunoy annex. We learned that the facility where the grey mouse lemurs are kept has been breaking the law for years, and we’re still waiting for proof of its regularization. In 2021, a simple peeling paint job on a ceiling in the

Let’s save our orcas they need a sanctuary not to be kept captive in Japan

Let’s save our orcas they need a sanctuary not to be kept captive in Japan

Let’s save our orcas they need a sanctuary not to be kept captive in japan
Let’s save our orcas!
For them, a sanctuary, not endless exploitation!
The situation

Marineland plans to send Wikie and Keijo to Japan, where a water park is being rebuilt.

The dolphinarium has a responsibility towards the orcas born captive in its tanks. It cannot ignore the fact that they are in poor health, as Dr. Ingrid Visser, a biologist who studies orcas, has testified in two reports produced for One Voice.

The State also has responsibilities towards orcas who were born and have lived their entire lives on its territory. Especially since, in 2020, the French Ministry of Ecology announced the end of orca captivity by 2030, pledging to consider proposed sanctuary solutions.

In Japan, Wikie and Keijo would continue to be cruelly exploited until their deaths, instead of finally enjoying a real life in a marine sanctuary.

We, the undersigned, support One Voice’s request to the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, to intercede with Marineland and its parent company Parques Reunidos to prevent the French orcas from being sent to Japan.

Marineland must facilitate the transfer of Wikie and Keijo to a sanctuary, a project from which the park will emerge greater.

Free our cetaceans

Free our cetaceans

Free our cetaceans
For Aïcko, Galéo, Inouk, Femke…
For all captive cetaceans: close the dolphinariums!
The situation
For all captive cetaceans: close the dolphinariums!

Orcas and dolphins, these marvelous creatures made for the immensity of the ocean, are not objects of entertainment.

How long will France tolerate slavery on its territory?

What else can we call the detention and exploitation of dozens of cetaceans in prisons pompously named dolphinariums?

Of course, there are no chains, the atmosphere is festive and the water turquoise. The dolphins are smiling and the orcas are splashing about mischievously. Everything is done so that the slaves seem to breathe joie de vivre!

Let’s denounce this masquerade and put an end to it!

Need we remind you that orcas and dolphins, these marvelous creatures made for the immensity of the ocean, are not objects of entertainment? That their removal from their natural environment and the deprivation of their vital needs, both psychological and physical, are sources of unspeakable suffering?

One Voice is calling for massive mobilization and constant pressure to ensure that captive cetaceans are returned to their true lives, and that this exploitation of nonhuman beings finally comes to an end!

Don’t let them down! Demand the closure of dolphinariums and prevent the opening of new ones!

« The law for the reconquest of biodiversity was adopted without the amendments on the closure of dolphinariums. The French government has once again shown its lack of concern for the suffering of cetaceans. Yet the psychological suffering of cetaceans in captivity can drive them to madness. The story of the orca Tilikum in Blackfish is a tragic illustration of this. Dolphinariums confine marine mammals and force them to perform for commercial reasons. They abuse the animals and damage biodiversity. »

Several countries have already banned these structures on their soil in the interests of protecting cetaceans. Chile, Hungary, Costa Rica in 2005, Switzerland in 2012 and finally India in 2013.

It is unthinkable that France should refuse to take this scientific evidence into account and continue to ignore the suffering of these marine mammals.

The death of orca Valentin, who died at the age of 19 while in captivity at Marineland d’Antibes, must not be in vain.

We, the undersigned, support One Voice’s call for a ban on dolphinariums in France and for all captive cetaceans to be transferred to marine sanctuaries, as recommended by Dr Ingrid Visser. The French government must release cetaceans held against their will, close these prisons once and for all, and block all new projects.

Let’s close the Sobeval slaughterhouse

Let’s close the Sobeval slaughterhouse

Let’s close the Sobeval slaughterhouse
Let’s close the Sobeval slaughterhouse
At the Sobeval slaughterhouse in the Dordogne, over 500 calves are killed every day.
The situation
At the Sobeval slaughterhouse in the Dordogne, over 500 calves are killed every day.

Roughly unloaded from trucks, handled like parcels, beaten…

Some open their eyes and seem to regain consciousness after the killer’s pistol shot and before the knife. The cadences make the slitting of these toddlers an indescribable horror.

And all this for what? To supply veal, for which the Sobeval company offers festive recipes on its Facebook page, and above all leather for the luxury goods industry.



Les coulisses du cuir de veau, le luxe à la française from One Voice on Vimeo.

One Voice files a complaint for mistreatment committed by a professional, which constitutes an offence. Why are there still no cameras in slaughterhouses? How can the luxury goods industry still condone these atrocities when there are so many innovative and refined materials available to replace these babies’ skins?

We, the undersigned, demand the closure of the Sobeval slaughterhouse.



Stop the training of so called defense dogs

Stop the training of so called defense dogs

Stop the training of so called defense dogs
Dogs training
Stop the training of so called defense dogs
Transformed into real weapons by destination.
The situation
Transformed into real weapons by destination.

Unacceptable violence: electric collars, collars with sharp points, whips, cables, hanging…

For the attention of the Minister of Agriculture and Food, and the Minister of the Interior We, the undersigned,

Considering the violence and trauma caused by dog bite training and all training activities for so-called defense dogs; Considering the conditions under which dogs trained in this way are kept, which are incompatible with their well-being; Considering also that this training transforms them into weapons by destination, and that they therefore constitute a real danger to civil society;

We support One Voice’s call for a ban on dog biting training and on all training of so-called defense dogs.

Make a donation

Stop training so-called defense dogs!

The training of so-called defense dogs for sporting or security purposes is unacceptably violent: electric collars, sharp-pointed collars, whippings, ropes, hanging. And outside of « training » sessions, the dogs are permanently locked up in transport crates, stored in car trunks or even cellars…

These dogs are transformed into veritable weapons by destination. Condemned to isolation for the potential danger they represent, they have no hope and no respite.

For the sake of dogs’ dignity and people’s safety, One Voice is calling for a ban on biting training and on all training of so-called defense dogs. They are neither tools nor weapons. Respect for dogs!

Stop the use of macaques in laboratories

Stop the use of macaques in laboratories

Stop the use of macaques in laboratories
Animal experimentation
Stop the use of macaques in laboratories
Every year, thousands of primates are used in French laboratories.
The situation
Every year, thousands of primates are used in French laboratories.

These include baboons, vervets, microcebes, marmosets, squirrel monkeys and, above all, macaques. Among them, long-tailed macaques are the most vulnerable.

Attn: Ministère de la Recherche, Ministère de l’Agriculture, FC3R, Comité national de réflexion éthique sur l’expérimentation animale and Silabe / Université de Strasbourg

Even today, individuals are captured in their natural environment to supply the farms that sell their young to laboratories around the world. Although international organizations were already sounding the alarm about these practices twenty years ago, practices have not changed and this species was declared « endangered » by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2022.

Most of the long-tailed macaques used in France come from these farms in Mauritius and Vietnam (and, to a lesser extent, Cambodia and Indonesia). Many pass through the Silabe primatology center at Strasbourg University, which is at the heart of the European trade in these animals.

In the laboratories, these animals endure a wide range of sufferings: various samples, cranial implants, water restriction, « restraint chairs » in which they can barely move… All this is unacceptable!

I, the undersigned, request with One Voice :

that the Silabe primatology center and the University of Strasbourg undertake to stop importing and trading in long-tailed macaques;
that the national authorities assume their responsibilities and implement appropriate measures to put an end to the import, trade and use of long-tailed macaques in France and the European Union.