Monday 13 February 2017 | 61

One voice demands justice!

One voice demands justice!

Mis à jour le 07 May 2019

Faced with unbearable cases of cruelty that have occurred throughout France, One Voice demands justice. We are rising up and are going to plead for animal rights in four different courts over three months.

Hr blog

Dogs thrown from windows, drowned, abused

When we know the link between animal abuse and domestic violence, recent cases where One Voice has intervened are worrying ...

Yes, we throw out of the window what we do not want, even if it is a dog and we live on the 4th floor! On August 15, 2016, in Mende (48), a veterinarian who came to a Border Collie barely 1 year old, the vertebrae broken by this fall, will now have to be put down and not without noticing how thin he was. Also, One Voice has taken to court this owner, who didn’t care about his dog once the window was closed, for acts of cruelty and serious abuse of his animal.

What about the end of Câline, a Labrador bitch drowned and then fished out from a river last summer, in a channel of the Garonne Lafox (47)? She had been thrown in alive, a block attached to the collar and the hind legs tied up? In this case, which initially should be classified without follow-up, it is essential that the owner, found thanks to the dog’s chip, responds with an unspeakable gesture.

In the Pas-de-Calais, a new case of abuse in a kennel club that will be judged. The defendant, president of the club, refused to admit his guilt of the facts that occurred in April 2016, yet explicit on a video broadcast on social networks. The teacher is seen assaulting Lemon, an 8-month-old German Shepherd, during a training exercise in defence. The dog, having not obeyed an order, is caught by the collar, it flies high in the air and is slammed heavily on the ground, like an old bag of flour!

Pigeon shooting

More complex is the case before a local jurisdiction of Lot-et-Garonne this mid-February. It follows the decision of the mayor of Villaréal who had, at the end of January 2016, authorized local hunting companies to "hunt" pigeons "of cities" in the territory of his community. The city having given out more than 3,000 cartridges to 80 hunters, some 500 pigeons were slaughtered in 3 hours from the streets of the town.

Such massive destruction of pigeons, domestic animals returned to the wild, is not only contrary to the regulations but also totally ineffective in its methods. By yielding to the pressure of owners and operators demanding to clarify these populations of birds, which certainly can eat seedlings and can litter the roofs with their droppings. This mayor has denied the law, ethics and the lives of sensitive and defenceless animals who share our environment. A sad attitude to have adopted for an elected official, whom One Voice wishes to see sentenced by the judges ...

Hr blog

In the subject

Cats and dogs: the end of pet shop sales, the start of ‘click and collect’ Arche de Noël: the animals finally rescued from hell!

Comments 61

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

CHRIS | Monday 20 February 2017

Oui justice pour ce petit chien . Ne rien faire ,ne pas sanctionner c'est autoriser d'autres personnes à faire cela

Merete Verrechia | Sunday 19 February 2017

Ca ne va pas la France, complètement retardée. Quelle honte sur ce pays.
Il y a besoin d'un nouveau ministre pour abolir tout torture sur les animaux.
Mais qui donne du droit de faire mal à un animal ? Nous sommes au 21ème siècle !

Bernard | Saturday 18 February 2017

On sait très bien que les tribunaux minimisent les peines de ces bourreaux . Pourquoi ne pas, à l'aide de toute les associations réunies, faire pression sur cette justice "injuste " envers les animaux a lorsque que si un chien mord un être humain il risque l'euthanasie et que cela fait le tour de France ......

wettlé | Thursday 16 February 2017

BRAVO ET MERCI ONE VOICE cela fait longtemps déjà que je suis révoltée de voir à quel point les chiens sont maltraités, peu considérés et absolument pas respectés en tant qu'êtres vivants sensibles et intelligents, ces maîtres se pensent "supérieurs" à leurs chiens et se permettent tout ce qui doit être puni et condamné lourdement. Je suis de toute façon contre ces "dressages" un chien ne se dresse pas mais il s'éduque tout comme on éduque un enfant, et je ne vois pas pourquoi un chien devrait obéir au "doigt et à l 'oeil" parce que c'est une chien. Il est vraiment nécessaire et important d'ouvrir les yeux à certaines personnes afin de les amener à réfléchir aux raisons pour lesquelles elles veulent un chien et comment elles comptent s'en occuper car un chien tout comme tout animal n'est pas "un objet, une marchandise ou de la nourriture" mais un être vivant avec toute sa sensibilité et sa personnalité comme un humain et ce n'est pas à l'animal de s'adapter toujours ou forcément à l'humain mais à ce dernier de s'adapter à son animal. Je suis contre ces centre de "dressage" qui me font bondir car lorsque l'on aime les animaux il est impensable de cautionner ce genre d'endroit de même qu'avec un maître emplit de compassion, de respect, d'amour et de considération pour son chien ou autre animal la confiance, la complicité et l'éducation se font toutes seules.