Monday 20 August 2018 | 125

Fur: the unbearable images of a young mink devoured alive

Fur: the unbearable images of a young mink devoured alive

Mis à jour le 07 December 2018

These are the images of a survey conducted in a fur farm in Lithuania, shared by Tušti narvai, one of our partners in the Fur Free Alliance. We see a young mink being devoured alive by his brothers and sisters. This horrible scene is only a tiny part of the nightmare of mink reared for their fur. It is time for this to stop. Please sign the petition! #VisonsLeRespect

Hr blog

A nightmare scene

"This is the most shocking scene I've seen." Thus, the investigator who conducted the investigation describes the images he filmed: a young mink, locked in a cage on this fur farm, with his stomach open, desperately trying to escape his brothers and sisters who devour him alive.

This nightmare, however, is not uncommon. In fur farms, individuals are born and live in tiny cages. Forced into promiscuity, condemned to boredom, they go crazy, attack, injure themselves, and sometimes are devoured...

A sample of the horror

On the video of the investigation, we also see: minks covered with blood after fighting, others with missing limbs, ears torn off, open wounds, babies a few days old trembling on the fence, the infamous porridge that feeds them, piles of faeces crawling with larvae under the cages ... Alerted to these acts of cruelty through the investigation, the local veterinary authorities should now work with the prosecutor's office to obtain an adapted sanction


Why all this horror? For the luxury industry? Yes, this breeding is in Lithuania, but also in France there are fur farms. And, above all, our country, the international capital of fashion and luxury, has an important role to play with its creators ... Fashion does not need fur, an ethical fashion is possible and is chosen by more and more fashion designers.

For the ban on raising animals for their fur, please sign and share our petition!

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In the subject

Hearing on 28 February 2024: One Voice supports the ELLE brand against the furriers' union ba&sh’s animal welfare policy recognised by the Fur Free Retailer programme

Comments 125

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Martine | Saturday 25 August 2018

Il faut interdire cette cruauté

Francine 06 | Friday 24 August 2018

Il n'y a pas de mots assez durs pour qualifier cette barbarie
Une femme belle n'a pas besoin de fourrure et une femme laide ne sera pas embellie par une peau de bête !
A quand des substituts afin que cesse la misère animale et pour celles qui ne peuvent s'en passer il existe de très belles fourrures synthétiques
Seuls nous pouvons agir un peu mais ensemble nous pouvons faire beaucoup

isabelle | Friday 24 August 2018

Un animal est un être vivant et sensible et non un vulgaire objet

Laurence | Friday 24 August 2018

Que dire de ces images sinon qu'on assiste à un film d'horreur mais que ce n'est pas un film, c'est réel.
En laissant faire, nos dirigeants sont les principaux responsables des atrocités sur les êtres vivants.