The disgusting “goose neck” game must not resume: One Voice is once again calling for it to be banned!
Horrific, scandalous, contrary to elementary standards of hygiene, the Saint-Bonnet-près-Riom patron saint’s festival is sticking to its guns. After our investigation in September 2023, which revealed young people beating and decapitating lifeless animals and being applauded for their “acts of bravery” and praised by their elders for their lack of empathy, we protest against the cowardice of the town hall and the insistence of the town’s events committee on maintaining this sickening tradition as it is. And we reiterate our demand that geese, rabbits and hens should no longer be killed and their corpses martyred on the pretext of entertainment.

The remains of geese, hens and rabbits hung by their legs to be successively kissed, beaten and then decapitated by 18-year-old men and women: taken in Saint-Bonnet-près-Riom on September 17, 2023, the images from our investigation have – quite rightly – offended many people and prompted two regional councilors to react.
Faced with the obstinacy of certain residents and the town’s mayor, who fiercely refuse to give up an interminable barbaric tradition they believe should be maintained, we have taken the matter to the Clermont-Ferrand court.
For the animals, fight until this “game” disappears
Once again this year, we won’t give in. We have nothing against festivities. But does a convivial event, such as the patron saint’s festival which will be held again from September 20 to 23, justify putting animals to death and mutilating their bodies? Does our society need to bring more young people into adulthood by inculcating violence in them and cultivating in them, as a virtue, a lack of empathy?
We demand that the festivities take place without any animals falling victim to the “goose neck” game, and we call for a ban on this practice throughout France, as we have also done in Beaux and Arfeuilles.
For the geese, rabbits and hens involved, sign our petition, and let the Puy-de-Dôme prefecture know of your concern for these youngsters and the future of our society if this unhealthy “game” continues.
Mobilization paid off!
Thanks to our boundless commitment, this year’s “goose neck” in St-Bonnet-Près-Riom has been cancelled. A year after our investigation, the sordid event featuring young people dislocating necks and ripping off heads, supposed to mark their passage into adulthood as part of the town’s patron saint’s festival on the weekend of September 21, has just been cancelled.
In its place, after Sunday mass as usual, the conscripts should march as before, but this time will ring a bell above their heads, resounding like a symbol of heaven and peace, making ears vibrate in unison. We’re delighted for the conscripts, and for our society, which can only benefit from integrating more empathy into its heart.
Our lawyer also contacted the DDPP this week, forwarding the criminal file and reminding them of the irregularities noted last year.
For the geese, rabbits and hens who continue to fall victim to these morbid festivities in other places every year, we won’t let up the pressure until this creepy, outdated rite of passage has been definitively banned throughout France. We have the support of Senator Arnaud Bazin, who has called on the Prime Minister on this issue.