Zoophilous dog sitter: two years after One Voice’s complaint, the guilty party is going before the Nièvre judge
Zoophilous dog sitter: two years after One Voice’s complaint, the guilty party is going before the Nièvre judge
Zoophilous dog sitter: two years after One Voice’s complaint, the guilty party is going before the Nièvre judge
Zoe Cell
In June 2022, we uncovered the vile actions of a zoophilous dog sitter. Sadistic and proud of his actions, he recorded and posted videos on the internet. We immediately filed a complaint. The trial will take place on 2 April at the Nevers legal tribunal. We will be there to demand justice in the name of all of the dogs assaulted so that this man will be imprisoned and will undergo a psychological follow-up, and above all so that he can never again keep an animal or work with them.
Having moved numerous times, regularly changing department, the suspect has continued to abuse animals for months, thinking he was untouchable and protected behind his mask.
Eventually, it was at the beginning of February 2024 that he was finally arrested, following new reports: one from a woman who was asked by the culprit to get involved in his activities, and one from a man whose dog was abused by the dog sitter. For these crimes, he will be ruled on for “sexual proposition and abuse of an animal”. He faces up to four years of imprisonment and a fine of 60,000 euros.
Our complaint – based in particular on elements given by a whistleblower and our partner Mi-chien Mi-loup* – went from one tribunal to another according to reports and is still awaiting trial.
Another victim of classified advertisements
At the time of his arrest, the police discovered a Pyrenean Mountain dog called Tokyo, who they rescued and took to safety at a partner association that we contacted. Identified by his microchip that was registered in a department very far away, he was in fact given to the accused via Leboncoin, a platform that we have already condemned due to the illegal adverts that swarm their site. These sites are full of malicious people: and here is more proof, if any is needed… How many other dogs were passed through this torturer’s hands, who used the web to satisfy his criminal impulses?
Tokyo, who is currently being cherished by volunteers, is slowly recovering from what he experienced, without an ounce of aggression towards humans. For him and all the other victims, like Léa, on 2 April in Nevers, we will demand justice.
*Updated 2 April 2024: addition of the name of our partner who alerted us to establish the complaint in 2022