One Voice and its partners around the world target Max Mara for its use of fur
Today, the Fur Free Alliance, of which One Voice is the French representative, launched an international campaign urging Italian fashion giant Max Mara – long targeted in France by the SIPE collective – to join its competitors (including Gucci, Versace, Armani, Prada, Valentino, Dolce & Gabbana and many others) in adopting an anti-fur policy.
The campaign will take place during Fashion Week in New York, London, Milan and Paris. Thanks to the notoriety of the Fur Free Alliance, a coalition of 50 animal protection associations in 35 countries, the Max Mara anti-fur campaign will probably be the biggest ever, resulting in tens of thousands of emails, calls and posts on social networks.
In September 2018, the Fur Free Alliance asked its supporters around the world to urge Prada to give up fur. The Italian luxury brand heeded the call and abandoned it the following year, responding to the public’s shift in values. The Fur Free Alliance has also worked with Gucci, Armani, Hugo Boss and many others to establish anti-fur policies. Today, over 1,500 brands and retailers have committed to going fur-free by joining the Fur Free Retailer program.
Email Max Mara to let them know you care about animals and want them to go fur-free! Follow the news by leaving a comment on Max Mara’s social networks (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn) (see end of article).
This international campaign targets the flagship Max Mara brand as well as the Max Mara group as a whole and related brands such as Marina Rinaldi, SportMax and many others, all of which still offer fur (mink gloves, fox cuffs, raccoon dog charms or lined hoods).
On fur farms, wild animals are locked up for life in wire-bottomed cages. Deprived of the opportunity to behave naturally, they end up killed by gassing or anal electrocution. In the wild, they agonize for days in traps without food or water until trappers come to retrieve them. Often, they gnaw on their own limbs in a desperate attempt to escape.
Fur production is also devastating for the environment. Farms and tanneries are extremely harmful to soil and waterways, releasing waste and toxic chemicals into the environment. Traps, meanwhile, are not selective, often mutilating and killing non-target individuals, such as members of endangered species or pets. In short, this industry is a nightmare from A to Z.
While the majority of consumers reject fur, major fashion brands have reacted by announcing policies that ban its use. Twenty European countries have banned its production because of its cruelty to animals and risks to the environment and public health. In addition, Israel, California and fourteen US cities have banned its sale in order to create a more ethical market and stimulate innovation.
«Max Mara’s support for this archaic and barbaric trade makes it seem old-fashioned and indifferent to animal suffering. Max Mara should join its peers who have renounced fur, and prioritize compassion over profit.
»Joh Vinding, President of the Fur Free Alliance
For Max Mara to give up fur
Let’s show Max Mara that it has no excuse for promoting the barbaric fur trade!
Max Mara is one of the last international fashion brands not to have adopted an anti-fur policy, even though most of its competitors (including Gucci, Prada, Armani, Valentino, Versace and Dolce&Gabbana) have already done so.
Thanks to people like you who defend animals, these brands have understood that consumers no longer want a product that is cruel to animals, bad for the environment, risky for public health and totally unnecessary since quality alternatives exist.
Take action for the animals: with One Voice and its partners, ask Max Mara to stop using fur!
You can stop Max Mara from continuing to use fur. Write to the brand urging it to abandon fur for good!
Send a letter by e-mail to Max Mara’s executive staff and board of directors via the online form on the brand’s website. You can use the text suggested below or, better still, express yourself in your own words.
Dear Max Mara directors and collaborators,
I am shocked and saddened that Max Mara continues to profit from the barbaric fur trade when there are so many cozy, fashionable alternatives. I will not shop at your store until your brand abandons fur as many of its competitors have already done, including Gucci, Prada, Versace, Armani, Valentino and many others, committed to One Voice and its Fur Free Alliance partners.
Make the compassionate choice: give up fur. Thank you.