Griffin: burned alive and thrown out of a window
Abusers are capable of causing undue pain to both animals and humans alike. Griffin lost his life at the hands of such unspeakable violence, while his human companion's safety was also jeaprodized. The only redeeming part of this story is that their tortuter was eventually tried in court.
Abusers are capable of causing undue pain to both animals and humans alike. Griffin lost his life at the hands of such unspeakable violence, while his human companion’s safety was also jeaprodized. The only redeeming part of this story is that their tortuter was eventually tried in court.
Griffin’s human companion had been having relationship issues for some time when she decided to take action into her own hands and end things once and for all. However, her boyfriend had anger issues that she could not have foreseen. Unfortunately, Griffin became caught up in his attempt seek to vengeance. The boyfriend threatened to set fire to the cat unless she agreed to hand over her phone. When she did not comply, he doused Griffin in rubbing alcohol and approached him with a lighter. In this moment, words became reality. Griffin’s fur caught on fire.
The terror and pain Griffin endured did not stop there. In an effort to hide under the couch, Griffin set fire to the entire apartment. In response, the boyfriend grabbed him, hurling him out the window. The girlfriend was helpless; all she could do was call her ex-husband for help. Both of the owner and her ex-husband were subjected physical violence until the authorities arrived and intervened. Violence is blind and does not discriminate with regards to species.
The concerned neighbors, who were awakened by his cries of pain, took Griffin immediately to a veterinarian. But the damage was already done. After one and half hours of agony, the veterinarian had no choice other than to euthanize him.
One Voice appeared as the civil party in the trial that took place on February 1, 2016 in Nice. Griffin’s torturer was sentenced to two years in prison, a six-month suspended sentence with probation, and a lifetime ban on owning animals. He appealed the decision.
Rather than separating the human case from the animal during the legal proceedings, One Voice request that a single public prosecutor review the entire incidents. We believe that in order to strengthen the case against cruelty,
the link between animal abuse and human violence should be recognized and every species treated equally under the law.