Condemn all violence
Cruelty is blind...
It almost always works on animals before attacking humans.
The cases of Griffin and Léa sadly reminded us of this in 2016.
The link is known and already taken into account in many countries. It’s only by condemning violence for what it is, and not for who it’s done to, that we’ll succeed in reducing it.
There have already been too many animal hostages and human victims of the same torturers! Join One Voice’s campaign to have the bond enshrined in French law. Sign our petition and we’ll hand it over to the Minister of Justice. Together, let’s fight violence!
“Complaints lodged against the perpetrators of animal abuse or cruelty are handled by a prosecutor in charge of environmental affairs, not by the prosecutor who deals with violence against humans. However, anyone who commits acts of violence against sentient beings, whether human or non-human, must receive the same penal treatment (sanctions or alternatives to prosecution). It is not the quality of the victim that should determine the penalty, but the nature of the act committed, in this case violence perpetrated against a sentient being. We, the undersigned, support One Voice’s call for the implementation of a penal policy for the protection of animals, with a systematic investigation of complaints and a prosecutor dedicated to violence perpetrated on human and animal sentient beings.”
Pétition EN
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