Before the courts and closer to the public, we are rallying for Inouk, Moana, Wikie, and Keijo the orcas
Two rallies against the transfer of orcas from Marineland to Japan and an appeal hearing for an independent expert.
To prevent the transfer of Inouk, Moana, Wikie, and Keijo from Marineland Antibes to a water park in Japan where they would be exploited until their last breath, we are coming together in Antibes on 17 June. On 19 June at 10am, we will ask once again for an independent expert on the state of the pools and the health of Inouk and Moana. A gathering will be organised before the hearing, in front of the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal.
Since the cancellation of the ‘dolphinarium’ decree in January 2018, which planned for the inevitable closure of these establishments, we have been fighting relentlessly for a new law to be published to put an end to the exploitation of these cetaceans. Far from listening to our requests, the State preferred to turn a blind eye to the hell inflicted on them. The law against animal mistreatment passed in November 2021 failed to make any real commitment to grant them a dignified retirement.
At the end of 2019, we stood against Marineland’s intention to send French orcas to China
where there is no law to protect animals. Three years later, the park has not given up on condemning them to endless exploitation… this time in Japan. We are asking for this decision to be thrown out (obviously facilitated by the Ministry of Ecology) and we will once again go before the courts to demand an independent expert for Moana and Inouk in particular, as well as for the establishments.
Mayors, MPs and MEPs: we are calling on elected representatives at all levels
To come to the rescue of ‘our’ orcas, we have been calling on elected representatives for a long time. Contacted by Christian Estrosi via our mediator, the dolphinarium assured him that they did not intend to make a transfer to China “in 2020”. This clarification says it all… the MEP Caroline Roose, who has been present at a number of our actions in Antibes over the years, is herself clearly committed along with us for Inouk, Moana, Wikie, and Keijo. And that is not all! Having met several times, the President of the animal rights group at the National Assembly, Carinne Vignon, gave her full support for our sanctuary project and our campaign for the four captive orcas by taking the initiative to write to the Secretary of State in charge of Ecology, Bérangère Couillard. We are also keeping in touch with the services for the Ministry for the Ecological Condition on the (non) implementation of the implementing decrees for the law voted in in November 2021.
We are demanding retirement for the French orcas!
Thanks to our work in Nova Scotia with our friends from Whale Sanctuary Project who are international specialists in cetaceans, we are proposing an alternative that would allow orcas to experience something other than obedience in exchange for a few dead fish or a life spent fretting in a pool.
From this perspective, our door is open to discussion with Marineland (or Parques Reunidos) and also with the Ministry for the Ecological Transition.
For Inouk, Moana, Wikie, and Keijo, we will never give up on this matter. On 17 June at 2:30pm, we are gathering in front of the dolphinarium and on 19 June before the Aix-en-Provence Court of Appeal to stop them from being sent to Japan. The hearing that will take place there to demand an independent expert will start at 10am. Join us there and sign our petition !
Translated from the French by Joely Justice