One Voice is stepping up its fight in favour of mountain Galliformes. Hearing on 30 August at 2pm in Montpellier.
On 4 August 2023, the ministerial decree listing species likely to cause damage for the next three years has just been published. We are going to the ...
One Voice is filing a complaint after a dog has been injured by a prohibited leghold trap.
One Voice is pleased with this confirmation and that they stopped at nothing for the little birds affected by this cruel hunting, defended year after ...
On May 28, 2021, the State Council examined the merits of the petition filed by One Voice and others against the 2018 and 2019 decrees authorizing glu...
The Court of Justice of the European Union has ruled: glue-trap hunting must come to an end in France too, and not just by reducing the quota to zero.
The Council of State refuses to allow the massacre of 17460 turtle doves targeted by a ministerial decree authorizing their hunting.
Following our complaint, the European Court of Justice has taken a stand and Barbara Pompili envisages putting an end to liming this year. If the hunt...
Following its investigation into the digging out of foxes, One Voice is calling for children to be protected from the cruelty of hunting.
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