Thursday 20 April 2017 | 12

Presidential elections 2017: answers from the candidates about the animal cause

Presidential elections 2017: answers from the candidates about the animal cause

Mis à jour le 07 May 2019

One Voice wrote to presidential candidates to ask them to position themselves on the priority animal issues. Here are the answers we received.

Hr blog

The themes on which all the candidates were solicited by One Voice are circuses, dolphinariums, mink breeding (for fur) and angora rabbits, wolves, animal experimentation and stray cats.

Only 4 responses were received. They come from Nathalie Arthaud, Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron.

Hr blog

In the subject

I am an animal, an original exhibition in Paris

Comments 12

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Hermine | Friday 21 April 2017

Étant membre de votre association,je vous remercie de votre démarche auprès des candidats.
Ce qui est dommage,c'est qu'il n'y ait eu que 4 réponses.

Mido | Friday 21 April 2017

Merci à ces 4 prétendants à l'Elysée car il est temps d'abolir toutes souffrances animales

Sylvie | Friday 21 April 2017


marieange | Friday 21 April 2017

Je commence à faire mon choix....mais concernant : corrida,abattoirs, transport, punitions envers tortionnaires, zoo, .....

peut on avoir des réponses

marie ange guérinel