Tuesday 03 November 2020 | 75

No to an exception for hunting during the second lockdown

No to an exception for hunting during the second lockdown

Mis à jour le 11 February 2021

Since the second lockdown was announced Willy Schraen, the President of the Federation of Hunters, has constantly harassed the Ministry of Ecology in an effort to get round the rules that apply to each and every one of us. Each time an objection is made to their deadly pastime the lobbyists and representatives of the National Federation of Hunters try to obtain special privileges. We are writing to the Ministry to challenge its decision to grant such privileges.

Hr blog

The lobby given one special privilege after another

The exception that allows hunters to leave their homes in circumstances other than those authorised by the current regulations was granted after they had been refused an "hour of relaxation in the form of hunting" within a radius of one kilometre from home.

That showed that the hunters would use any excuse whatsoever in order to continue to kill. They aren't motivated by the desire to render any sort of service to the public but rather by the pleasure of shedding the blood of animals.

A ministerial circular that broadens existing prerogatives

On 31 October a Ministry of Ecology circular asked departmental prefects to "grant exceptions to the lockdown relating to wildlife control and destruction of species of animal likely to cause damage".

In this way the Ministry is sowing confusion between two distinct practices: 'control' and 'destruction'. Hunting (control) is therefore added to a practice (destruction) that was already authorized during lockdown in the event of damage.

Inequality among the French

At this time, so painful for so many of us, solidarity and decency should take precedence over the destructive pleasure and pointless interests of hunters. Such a get-out clause is the embodiment of the privilege of a very small category of the population unwilling to sacrifice any of its leisure time even to protect others.

We are writing today to the Minister and her Secretary of State responsible for biodiversity in order to have this circular amended: forests, meadows and their wildlife are part of the common heritage of the nation and those who don't hunt, who are in the majority, have the right to quiet enjoyment of nature within the regulatory limit of one kilometre from their homes.

Translated by Patricia Fairey

Julia Mothé
Hr blog

In the subject

Several thousand tenrecs killed in Réunion: yet hunting was illegal! Once again, a tribunal has noted that hunting Galliformes is illegal

Comments 75

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marjuka | Saturday 07 November 2020

Je suis confinée en Ariège et je ne peux pas accéder aux forêts comme tant d'autres...Les chasseurs n'ont pas attendu la dérogation, ils étaient "aux palombes" notamment ces jours ci. Nous avons vu plusieurs 4/4 descendre les routes forestières à la nuit tombée et entendu des coups de feu. Depuis ce matin, coups de feu réguliers... Une honte ces dérogations !!!

Math100 | Saturday 07 November 2020

Merci pour vos actions pour lesquelles je suis en totalement d'accord... Il n'y a rien rajouter.

Valérie | Saturday 07 November 2020

Pas de passe-droit ! L'effort collectif est comme son nom l'indique l'effort de tous.
La chasse n'a absolument rien d'essentiel, au contraire !
Laissons un peu la nature reprendre ses droits, elle se régule très bien toute seule.

murgod2018 | Friday 06 November 2020

Ouf! Je suis heureuse que la chasse au blaireau soit suspendue. Espérons qu'il n'y ait pas de braconnage et que cette trève ne soit pas suivie d'une chasse deux fois plus intense.