Saturday 27 October 2018 | 59

The Greek zoo Attica Park fined 44360 €. Let's demand its closure !

The Greek zoo Attica Park fined 44360 €. Let's demand its closure !

Mis à jour le 28 May 2019

In Greece, trained animal shows are forbidden. But at Attica Park, dolphins and including Ekinox sold by Parc Astérix after being torn from his mother Femke, were forced to perform under the hot sun. The zoo has just been fined 44360 €. We must go further and ask the authorities to close this park.

Hr blog

It took two years of campaigning and several complaints against shows using captive dolphins in the Attica Zoological Park in Greece for state inspectors to officially find that the park was in complete violation of Greek legislation with regard to these representations.

The report is without appeal. The park has worked without any authorization for 4 years between 2013 and 2017! But why would they stop there? Thus Article 13 of the Greek Law N.4039 / 2012 stipulates that "keeping animals in parks is allowed on condition that no show is organized with the participation of animals". What would the inspectors note during their visit on November 3, 2016? And although for an additional € 3, visitors to the zoo could watch a dolphin show at 11:00 for 20 minutes. What could be more logical...?

Already, just a simple respect of the law did not seem to be a strong point of Attica, it was not necessary moreover to ask them to follow the evolution of the law! Thus in 2014, when articles 12 and 13 of the law N.4039 / 2012 were modified, with article 12 thus taking the title of "It is prohibited to use any animal in any kind of exhibition and similar activities" , one should not expect the zoo to read the following prohibitions:

  • 1 - It is forbidden to keep any animal in a circus or variety show if the animals are used in any way whatsoever and for any reason in their program, during shows or when a walk or in front of an audience.
  • 2 - It is forbidden to use any type of animal in entertainment companies, car shows, music festivals, folk festivals or any other artistic or entertainment event if the animals are used in any way whether in their programs.
  • 2a - Without prejudice to the provisions of Article 7, it is forbidden to present animals to the public for economic gain.

And besides what did the park say after the inspection? That the inspectors had "a misinterpretation of the law, and were biased" and provided "efforts to create negative impressions" and that in doing so there was no violation. The park also claims that since January 2017, no fees have been charged for the dolphin show, but only the price to enter the zoo. They should really have read the articles of law that concern them because this statement shows the for-profit nature of their activity and therefore the violation of presenting animals to the public for economic gain.

On our side, we congratulate Parc Astérix for tearing Ekinox from his mother, Femke, to be sold with another dolphin, little Naska, to this establishment that is trying so hard to break the law.

The Dolphinaria Free Europe coalition, of which One Voice is a member, will continue to support all attempts to get the Greek authorities to enforce the law banning shows with animals.

Demand the closure of Attica Park.

Send e-mails to the following person as well as to the Greek Embassy in Paris to urge them to enforce the law with immediate effect:

Mr Giorgos Stathakis

Minister of the Environment

The Greek Embassy in Paris

Ambassador: Aglaia Balta

This article is a free translation of the article published on the website of Dolphinaria Free Europe.

Hr blog

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Comments 59

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martine platel | Monday 05 November 2018

fermeture définitive Attica Park et en finir avec toutes ces exploitations terribles des animaux dans le monde . Ca ira mieux aussi pour nous.

Catele | Monday 05 November 2018

Stop à l’exploitation des animaux pour notre amusement et pour faire du fric !!

Callista | Sunday 04 November 2018

nous ne sommes plus au moyen âge qui a encore besoin de voir ces pauvres animaux être exhibés de telle façon ; je ne suis pas contre certains zoos mais pour ce qui est des aquariums on nous ment sur les lois qui disent qu'on ne peut plus obtenir des animaux autres q'en captivité ; ces animaux sont torturés, affamés, séparés de leur bébé ainsi que de leur conjoint pour qu'ils soient plus performants ; il faut ouvrir les yeux à tous ceux qui cautionnent cela et parce qu'ils sont complices du non respect des lois en vigueur en payant leurs places pour assister à ces spectacles !!

Aquaticgirl | Saturday 03 November 2018

Fermer tout les zoos, les abattoirs, toutes les expériences sur les animaux. Punir définitivement les salopards qui maltraitent tous les animaux. Ouvrir plus de centres de soins pour animaux en tout genre (sauvage, de compagnie, abandonné, etc...).