Saturday 04 November 2023 | 8

Kennel in Vendée: yes, a request for an extension has been filed for 120 ‘hunting’ dogs!

Kennel in Vendée: yes, a request for an extension has been filed for 120 ‘hunting’ dogs!

Mis à jour le 28 February 2024

A few weeks ago, we alerted the public to the plans to extend a dog kennel used for horse and hound hunting in Vendée. Faced with the owner’s denial, we are persisting: yes, a request for an extension has been filed with the prefecture. Whether the owner has finally given up on it or he is simply looking to comply with regulations, this changes nothing for the fact that he was well and truly unlawful until that point. And the dogs will be exploited for their whole lives like simple tools to be used in a type of hunting that spreads terror and suffering in forests.

Hr blog

After the publication of our article on the desire of a kennel owner to go from having around fifty to more than 120 dogs, the press relayed their version: he never wanted an extension, but simply wanted to follow regulations. An explanation that is not convincing and changes nothing for the fate reserved for the dogs.

A ‘non-existent’ extension... but which was indeed the subject of a request!

The owner stated: he did not want any increase in size for his kennel, only to comply with the law. As a reminder, since December 2021, a simple statement to the prefecture is enough to operate a kennel of between 1 and 49 dogs. For between 5 and 249, a stricter system is used: registration.
While the kennel in question was subject to the registration system, and therefore could not house more than 49 dogs, the owner said that he had.... 89! It therefore took many months for him to comply with the law.

Additionally, in the case file submitted for public consultation, the owner himself stated: “the registration request to be able to keep 120 dogs was made more than 4 months ago”. Going from 89 dogs - of which 40 were being kept illegally - to 120: is this not the exact definition of an extension? How could anyone know that 40 dogs were being kept illegally?

Dogs: simple tools to serve huntsmen

This kennel would be a paradise for dogs because it is clean and the animals are not shut up for the whole day but they get to come out for 1.5 to 2 hours per day. While living in 5 to 9 square metre spaces… This example should not make us forget the reality of hunting with hounds: famished dogs left abandoned in cages, in the mud, mistreated, almost everywhere in France, as we have been documenting for years.

Whatever the state of the kennel, the aim is the same: to exploit dogs to the limit so that huntsmen can chase after terrified animals for hours on end. The dogs are often injured, the deer try to escape at all costs, and their ordeal ends in a bloodbath with a hunter driving a dagger into their back. We will never abandon them without at least getting their voices heard!

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Maxime Lambret
Hr blog

In the subject

Is it the end of underground hunting with hounds? Five new victories! Foxes: the legal battle continues... Stop this carnage!

Comments 8

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Claire COCQUELIN | Tuesday 07 November 2023

La bataille est encore longue contre ces viandards de chasseurs, de destructeurs, de massacreurs - Honteux, cela prouve bien qu'ils n'ont aucun respect pour le monde animal

Yvabra | Tuesday 07 November 2023

Je suis contre la chasse à courre aussi cruelle pour le gibier que pour les chiens de chasse, alors non à ces chenils !

A | Tuesday 07 November 2023

Révoltant et honteux ! Derrière ces autorisations administratives et autre passe-droits les lobbies de la chasse font la loi.

trochu | Saturday 04 November 2023

Une véritable horreur absolue pour tous ces pauvres chiens qui, comme vous le dites ne sont "qu'exploités et utilisés à des fins immondes et ne servent aux chasseurs que d'outils de travail" c'est scandaleux et honteux. Et le gros problème est que la chasse à courre soit encore autorisée et plébiscitée en France en 2023, c'est ahurissant vraiment et sachant que notre gouvernement cautionne et est adepte de la chasse quelle qu'elle soit pour un grand nombre est encore plus choquant et révoltant. Quand donc, parviendrons nous à faire interdire définitivement cette chasse qui est plus qu'abominable et épouvantable ? Que les français se manifestent et qu'ils soient bien plus nombreux à la dénoncer ferait sans doute évoluer les choses en faveur de ces pauvres animaux pourchassés et traqués ignoblement jusqu'à la mort, en exigeant de bannir à jamais la chasse à courre. Nous ne devons rien lâcher, jamais, car les animaux comptent sur nous.