Tuesday 18 July 2017 | 8

Dolphinariums: South Korea will release two captive dolphins !

Dolphinariums: South Korea will release two captive dolphins !

Mis à jour le 17 April 2019

South Korea has decided to release two captive dolphins after 20 years in Seoul Grand Park! Excellent news for One Voice fighting in France for the maintenance of the decree, challenged by Marineland, which must put an end to the activity of dolphinariums.

Hr blog

Geundeung and Daepo, two male humpback dolphins were captive in Seoul Grand Park since 1997 and 1998. Born in the wild, they will now find freedom on July 18th, in the seas of Jeju Island within a local population of a hundred cetaceans, South Korea have taken this just decision. This is not the first time the Korean park has released dolphins caught "illegally" although, with respect to animal rights, any capture is illegal. In 2013, three dolphins had already been released. Since then, two of them, Sampal and Chunsam have been seen each with a calf ... That should close once and for all the fable that cetaceans would be unable to reintegrate into the wild after a long captivity, one of the arguments from misleading dolphinariums.

In France, the release of captive dolphins is not yet acquired. Proponents of the animal show industry, who reap profits at each round of the pool, are putting their weight behind the cancellation of the decree prohibiting the reproduction of dolphins and their transfer between dolphinariums. Last May, after several years of fighting and working with the Ministry of the Environment, One Voice had obtained the addition of this prohibition to the texts governing the "operating rules of establishments holding cetaceans".

Under the sun of Antibes or elsewhere, the blue sky may be reflected on the surface of the water of these aquatic arenas, but the dolphins are still prisoners and unhappy. They suffer from the absence of family and social links; their essential biological and psychological needs being denied to them.

At the announcement of the signing of this decree, a certain Mr. Nicolas Hulot had tweeted: "Our civilization should no longer tolerate the captivity of dolphins. It's time to finish with the #delphinariums", with the photo of Little Galéo. Off the coast of South Korea, Geumdeung and Daepo, freed dolphins, will be delighted to learn that their captive congeners on our territory, can count on the support of the Minister Nicolas Hulot ...

Hr blog

In the subject

The court prohibit Marineland from relocating the orcas before the end of the independent assessment Marineland: One Voice has obtained a temporary ban on moving the orcas - hearing on 16/01/2024

Comments 8

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

schub80 | Sunday 27 August 2017

et leurs chiens et chats?

viviane | Monday 07 August 2017

Mr Hulot,
Merci de défendre les animaux qui ne peuvent se défendre eux mêmes.
On compte sur vous.

clo | Thursday 27 July 2017

La France doit être un pays de sous-développés (mentaux) à côté de la Corée, car elle n'est jamais capable de prendre ce genre de décisions salutaires pour des animaux en souffrance et de plus par la faute de l'homme.
Cette nation s'affiche comme le pays des Droits de l'Homme, mais n'est vraisemblablement pas celui des êtres vivants à 4 pattes,(même quand il s'agit de mammifères comme nous ,donc avec des émotions, une affectivité et une sensibilité similaires).
Nous ne détenons pas la palme des Droits des êtres vivants et des personnes non-humaines !

L'exploitation des animaux à toute fin, avec l'indifférence la plus totale des pouvoirs publics, pour l'argent ou les loisirs les plus cruels qui soient, reste la norme dans ce beaux pays de la soi-disant éthique humaine.

C'est le moment pour Monsieur Hulot de faire évoluer les choses dans le bon sens et d'aller au bout de ses engagements.
On ne peut s'afficher défenseur de la planète et n'accorder aucun intérêt aux animaux afin de continuer de les exploiter en les faisant souffrir, cela n'a pas de sens.
Plusieurs dauphins captifs en France sont en souffrance en ce moment même et rien n'est fait pour eux. Alors, suivons au plus vite l'exemple de la Corée!!

Carotte | Thursday 20 July 2017

Fermez tous ces delphinariums leur domaine c'est l'infini des océans