Friday 03 July 2020 | 96

In the kennels of the 'barking dogs', the punishment is electric.

In the kennels of the 'barking dogs', the punishment is electric.

Mis à jour le 06 August 2020

Following a new investigation One Voice has made a complaint against Mr J., whose 'hunting' dogs are permanently fitted with electric collars that have been tampered with.

Hr blog

After a report from one of our whistleblowers, One Voice has carried out a new investigation in hunting circles, this time in Hérault.

In the kennels of the 'barking dogs', silence is the order of the day. The enclosures are neat and tidy, the animals almost timid. Our investigators have brought back numerous images, which have enabled us to understand why.

There are thirteen dogs, including pregnant bitches and a mother with her litter of pups. However it is not called a breeding establishment despite the regulations that, once again, do not apply when the dogs they are supposed to protect are bred for hunting. A scandal that must cease!

Cleanliness is not enough.

The ground is fairly clean but unsuitable. The concrete paving slabs are rough and do not allow urine and other effluent to run off. Yet the dogs have to sleep on the ground. All the individual kennels are different. Some do not comply with the regulations, not even being waterproof! Plastic barrels, sheets of metal – that's all most of the dogs have for shelter, and in some enclosures there aren't even enough for the number of dogs.

Summer and winter alike, nothing for protection

There is no bedding in the kennels either, not even in winter, and they do not face south. However it snows in this region! Heat in summer, cold and damp in winter, and enclosures that are too small. That is what these dogs suffer, unprotected from the elements. In addition, one of them has serious skin problems on its paws, which seem not to have been treated.


But the main impression from looking at the photos taken by our investigators is the near-silence that prevails here. A stranger entering kennels should give rise to a cacophony of barking. Here, on the other hand, the dogs watch, fearful, without a sound. Here, barking means suffering. Eleven dogs wear a veritable instrument of torture around their necks: a box fitted with two electrodes, which gives them an electric shock if they vocalize! Even worse, they have been tampered with by Mr J. A metal thread has been added to make the pain even worse. So they keep quiet.



The use of electric collars is dangerous.

Electric collars are already prohibited in many countries: Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Wales, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Slovenia, Scotland and England. One Voice is fighting for these cruel and dangerous devices to be banned in France since they may cause:

  • contraction of the muscles;
  • burns;
  • contraction of the respiratory muscles, which may lead to death by asphyxiation;
  • ventricular fibrillation.

For the dogs in these kennels, any vocalization is permanently suppressed. That means that they cannot not even communicate normally among themselves. Being a hunting dog is definitely not a good life. This is a long way from the image of dogs frolicking in the forest that some hunters would have us believe! One Voice has made a complaint and applied for them to be seized and safely rehoused as soon as possible. This lack of protection for dogs exploited for hunting must stop. They are no different from those we keep as pets and should benefit from the same protection.

Translated from the French by Patricia Fairey

Annie Réma
Hr blog

In the subject

Several thousand tenrecs killed in Réunion: yet hunting was illegal! Once again, a tribunal has noted that hunting Galliformes is illegal

Comments 96

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daysi | Saturday 01 August 2020

C'est abjecte, les cruautés, tortures animales ne cesseront donc jamais!!!
Il faudrait que cet individu Mr J. porte en permanence un de ces collier.

Marie-Jo | Friday 31 July 2020

Mais on attend quoi pour saisir ces chiens de chasse ?
Plainte doit être déposée, et la justice se doit de sanctionner l'individu cruel qui procède ainsi, "Amendement 1286 voté par l'Assemblée Nationale, introduisant des sanctions immédiates en cas de maltraitances quotidiennes sur des animaux domestiques".

Il s'agit-là de maltraitance en continue, accentuée encore par le propriétaire de ces chiens qui a "bricolé" encore plus de souffrances dues à ces colliers électriques.
Nous demandons également l'application de l'article 521-1 du Code Pénal, punissant de 2 ans de prison FERME et de 30.000 €uros d'amende les (les) auteur (s) de cruauté envers les animaux. Nous demandons en outre l'interdiction à vie pour ce barbare de détenir quelque animal que ce soit, et la SAISIE IMMEDIATE DE CES CHIENS.

Denisa | Saturday 18 July 2020

Arrêtez !
Il n’y a pas assez des mots pour décrire la souffrance

chrissychick | Thursday 16 July 2020

Hunting is a barbaric backward cruel so called sport that needs to be stopped now. Their dogs are not treated well and no animal deserves to be killed by being torn apart by dogs. The hunters are killing innocent animals and accidently kill and injure people too as they are not taking care at who or what they aim guns at. Mother nature left alone is well able to control the numbers, it is called survival of the fittest ; we should show heart and compassion now too many have died, this along with bullfighting, are the shame of France.

La Chasse est un soi-disant sport cruel barbare et rétrograde, qui doit être arrêté maintenant. Leurs chiens ne sont pas bien traités et aucun animal ne mérite d'être tué en étant déchiré par des chiens. Les chasseurs tuent des animaux innocents et tuent et blessent accidentellement aussi des gens car ils ne font pas attention à qui ou à quoi ils visent. Mère nature seule est bien capable de contrôler le nombre de ce qu'elle appelle la survie des plus aptes ; nous devrions montrer du cœur et de la compassion, maintenant trop de personnes sont mortes ; ceci, ainsi que la corrida sont la honte de la France.