Tuesday 11 April 2023 | 16

Animal testing: European Union figures for 2020 condemn France

Animal testing: European Union figures for 2020 condemn France

Mis à jour le 12 June 2023

On 31 March 2023, the European Commission published a report revealing the statistics for animal testing in member states for the 2020 year. They were very high figures to which France largely contributed, still being among the countries carrying out the most tests on animals.

Hr blog

In 2020, almost 8 million animals were experimented on for research and tests, and more than 680,000 for the creation and upkeep of certain genetically modified lines. These figures, already unacceptable, do not even include all of the individuals who pass through laboratories’ hands. No trace remains of the animals used solely for their tissue or of any invertebrates other than cephalopods.

A bloody podium for France...

Once again, France plays a leading role in this massacre. Already condemned for having widely participated in illegal experiments in 2019, the following year France found itself on the podium of the three biggest users in the European Union, with more than 1,600,000 procedures, alongside Germany and Norway.

But that is not all. Not content with using a record number of individuals each year, France is also among those who inflict the most suffering upon them. While the proportion of procedures deemed ‘severe’ has stagnated between 8 and 10% in the European Union (EU) since 2015, it remains between 14 and 19% in France. The proportion of tests deemed ‘moderate’ has meanwhile increased in our country, to the detriment of so-called ‘mild’ tests. It is almost as though we like to move backwards in this country...

...and the persecution of crab-eating macaques

So let’s look at the case of crab-eating macaques. The number of individuals used for the first time in the EU has decreased since 2018, reaching 4,220 animals experimented on in 2020. France could have followed suit. That did not happen. In the same amount of time, the number of these animals subjected to tests in our country increased by 5%. As if that was not enough, there were more and more uses of individuals originating from Asia, where they are in danger of extinction, and we still use double the amount of crab-eating macaques whose parents had been captured in the wild than other member states.

Faced with these still shocking figures, we are repeating our request for a genuine exit programme for animal testing throughout Europe, alongside genuine financing to develop research methods without animals.

Consult our site dedicated to the analysis of ministerial data to find out more about animal testing and its victims in France.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Marion Henriet
Hr blog

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Comments 16

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Joss | Monday 17 April 2023

Toujours incompréhensible.. Mais que faut-il faire pour convaincre qu'il existe d'autres solutions alternatives à toutes ces barbaries ? Des tests parfois inutiles, répétés, des animaux manipulés sans ménagement, c'est cela la science des chercheurs..? C'est honteux.

Béa | Sunday 16 April 2023

Si un jour la France pouvait s'illustrer autrement qu'en détenant les records de la barbarie des expérimentations animales, des abandons et, là toujours, la consommation de viande cheval !!! Au 21 ème siècle de malheureux animaux doivent endurer le martyre au quotidien alors que de nombreuses méthodes substitutives existent et fiables contrairement aux données aléatoires recueillies en torturant !!!!

Yvabra | Sunday 16 April 2023

Je ne suis pas surprise par ces résultats ,la France est souvent à la traine pour la condition animale. Je signe depuis longtemps ces pétitions en faveur de la fin de l'expérimentation animale mais hélas aucune avancée, lamentable !

Catherine | Friday 14 April 2023

L'expérimentation animale est une torture "légale"? Quelle horreur,j'ai honte de vivre dans un pays qui la pratique. Cessez ces pratiques barbares et utilisons notre capacité à innover pour trouver d'autres solutions pour avancer dans la recherche et le respect du vivant.