Friday 11 January 2019 | 14

The Link: a topic at the heart of One Voice's concerns

The Link: a topic at the heart of One Voice's concerns

Mis à jour le 04 June 2019

Find out, over the weeks, some key initiatives in countries where important organizations have found evidence of reciprocal links between animal cruelty and violence against people, and act to prevent escalation of violence in homes and in society. Recommendations for key measures for policy makers and providers of services to people and animals are also formulated, to contribute to a debate on how social and legal mechanisms can be developed in France, to ensure the well-being of humans and animals.

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For forty years, there has been a growing interest in what is now called "the Link", that is to say

« The discovery that acts of interpersonal violence are preceded or accompanied by acts of cruelty to animals in a predictable manner (1) »

Over the past two decades, more and more factual studies have been published on animal abuse and its links to violence against human beings, and this area of research is now recognized as a discipline in its own right. Sociologists, criminologists, social workers, psychologists and lawyers (2). In this field, animal abuse is commonly defined as:

« Socially unacceptable behaviour that intentionally causes pain, suffering, preventable stress or the death of an animal. »

Today, it is increasingly recognized that animal abuse is a potential indicator of aggressive or violent behaviour towards humans. A variety of initiatives are emerging around the world in favour of measures and procedures that take this knowledge into account in order to prevent the escalation of violence within families and society.

The National Link CoalitionThe National Link Coalition, headquartered in the United States, is a pioneer in promoting the Link. This coalition is led by a steering committee of US specialists in the prevention of all forms of domestic violence, whose mission is to promote policies and practices to improve the safety of people and animals.

In 2008, One Voice led the company in recognizing the relationship between animal abuse and violence against people by sponsoring an inaugural conference at Oxford University entitled "The Link Between Animal Abuse and violence against humans ". This conference was a start for the Oxford Centre for Animal Ethics (OCAE), (3) whose president and co-founder, Andrew Linzey, is also vice president of One Voice. It brought together leaders in this field to analyse the Link and its profound implications in social and legal policy around the world and to set up an essential research agenda.

Papers presented at this conference by academics and specialists in crime and crime prevention, law enforcement, social action, animal welfare, child protection, education and compassion, veterinary services, spousal care and the elderly were the subject of a published book, the Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence (4). This book has been translated by One Voice (under the title Link: violence on animals and humans) to raise awareness of these issues in France (5).

The problem of the Link is particularly important for One Voice, which bases its action on an ethic of non-violence and works to promote the protection of animals as a societal value, based on the belief that all life must be respected. In 2008, as part of its mission to build a better, non-violent future for humans and animals,One Voice also launched the "I listen to my conscience" initiative (6).

53 %

Large medium small f75533bc
French households have a pet

28 %

Large medium small f7cc2394
French households have a cat

25 %

Large medium small 67f38d76
French households have a dog

The Link question is very relevant in France, where 53% of households have at least one domestic animal. About 25% of households have a dog and 28% of households have a cat. France is even the country with the highest pet population in Europe with 7.5 million dogs, 11.5 million cats, 7 million birds, 2 million rodents and 27 million fish (7).

1 Phil Arkow, dans sa préface de l’ouvrage d’Eleonora Gullone Animal Cruelty, Antisocial Behaviour, and Aggression: More than a Link, The Palgrave MacMillan Animal Ethic Series, 2012.
2 Flynn, Clifton P., Understanding Animal Abuse: A Sociological Analysis, Lantern Books, 2012.
3 http://www.oxfordanimalethics....
4 The Link Between Animal Abuse and Human Violence, Sussex Academic Press (1er déc. 2009).
5 Andrew Linzey, Le Lien : Violences sur les animaux et les humains, One Voice, 2012.

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2023: a year in pictures One Voice is rallying in December for International Animal Rights Day

Comments 14

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Marie-Paule | Thursday 17 January 2019

Comme aux USA et au Canada il faudrait créer un fichier des tortionnaires d'animaux pouvant être transmis à toutes les polices et les gendarmerie. En effet ces études sérieuses démontrent que les sociopathes s’exercent d'abord sur les animaux avant d'agresser un humain.
Moi même j'en ai été le témoin. en 1973, j'avais remarqué que le mari battait sa femme et les enfants battaient les animaux.

Joelle | Thursday 17 January 2019

Je suis contre toute maltraitance de tous les animaux et dans tous les domaines abattoir, cirque animalerie et chez les particuliers ,laboratoire de recherche ,chasse etc....tout ce qui maltraité les animaux trop de cruauté.
Nous signons toujours les mêmes pétitions (avec des réussites ) mais encore combien d'animaux souffrent et souffrirons , pourquoi toutes les associations de protection animale ne se mettent pas ensemble pour ce faire attendre plus tous ce qu'ils les aiment par des manifestations .
Macron doit démissionner il ne fait rien pour la cause animale en France et même dans les pays d'outre mer oú les animaux se font massacer Mayotte etc.... C'est scandaleux , nous avons un président invisible sourd et muet , je suis révolté .

Mymy | Wednesday 16 January 2019

Il est clair que la souffrance animale préoccupe beaucoup de gens et à l heure d'aujourd’hui notre gouvernement doit prendre des mesures plus sévères et appliquées celles-ci comme il se doit !L élevage industriel est à bannir de toute urgence !!! Il est impératif que les abattoirs soient dotés de caméras de surveillance et des personnels bien formés !!! Il faut interdire les animaleries ,il faut interdire la vente d animaux par réseaux sociaux !!! Trop d animaux en laboratoire subissent d atroces douleurs pour des expériences ( qui sont trop souvent répétées pour n aboutir à rien) alors qu’il y a d autres alternatives etc......Il faut respecter les programmes de protection animale, abolir les pièges de toutes sortes, abolition de la chasse à courre ( vénerie comprise) ,une chasse plus réglementée ( stop au permis à 200 euros) et revoir la liste des nuisibles (qui n est pas justifiée )...... bref revoir le bien-être des animaux dans tous les domaines !!!

Julie | Friday 11 January 2019

La maltraitance est vraiment une chose affreuse !!!! Cela devrait être interdit depuis longtemps !!!!!! Je ne comprends vraiment pas qu’on puisse faire des choses pareilles, il faut qu’on se fasse entendre pour que toute cette horreur stoppe !!!! Tout le monde devrait penser comme nous et respecter chaque être vivant de cette planète sur cette magnifique nature et ces adorables animaux sans défense, qui n’ont rien demandé et qui ont envie d’etre heureux et vivre en paix comme je le pense chacun de nous !!!!