Thursday 15 November 2018 | 10

The timing of Morgan's pregnancy raises many questions

The timing of Morgan's pregnancy raises many questions

Mis à jour le 29 May 2019

Captured and locked between four walls, Morgan has just given birth to a baby. And despite their claims, SeaWorld and Loro Parque dolphinariums, which hold all 3: her, the father and the little one, knew perfectly well what they were doing. Dates do not lie; the facts are there.

Hr blog

Morgan, the free orca captured in the Netherlands and trapped in the Loro Parque basin by SeaWorld, should never have gotten pregnant. Why?! Because from the moment SeaWorld announced the end of its orca breeding program, all those captives at Loro Parque - then the "property" of SeaWorld - should have been subject to the same conditions.

Since the announcement of Morgan's pregnancy, all her supporters - as perfectly described by Ingrid Visser and her lawyer this summer at Superpod - want to know when the date of conception was. Only one possibility: deduct it from the date of birth of her daughter! Oh surprise, the conception takes place a month after the stop of the reproduction of orcas in captivity, and the orcas of Loro Parque still belonged to SeaWorld at that moment, including the male who fertilized her!

Second important point to prove, that the dolphinarium directors Loro Parque and SeaWorld were aware of this pregnancy during their affidavit that no orca was pregnant on October 9th. The Free Morgan Foundation, member, as One Voice of Dolphinaria-Free Europe, defends Morgan since its capture. They announced that her pregnancy was in no way a coincidence: it was not an "accident" as claimed by Javier Almunia (head of the Loro Parque Foundation and "in charge" of Morgan) but an attempt by the dolphinarium to still and always make money on the backs of animals, whatever the cost, even bypassing the rules. We don’t put two orcas of different sexes, without contraception and of age to breed into the same pool by chance.

So, whether it's for Morgan or the father of the little orca born on September 22 2018 in a pool, and who will never see the ocean, it's hard to deny the obvious: both companies knew and did indeed act with full knowledge of the facts!

Article freely translated from the website of the Free Morgan Foundation - all rights reserved

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Comments 10

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Merci pour ce joli message, qui fait du bien. Très cordialement.

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