Thursday 07 December 2023 | 40

A farm in Béziers is breeding dogs to torture wild boars

A farm in Béziers is breeding dogs to torture wild boars

Mis à jour le 19 April 2024

We are condemning this unbelievably cruel practice. On social media, a breeding farm set up in Hérault regularly publishes videos showing ‘hunting’ dogs being released on frightened wild boars, and more widely, footage showing the little consideration that hunters have for animals. The light tone, intended to amuse an audience, drastically contrasts with the violence of the killing in action.

Hr blog

Béziers is once again in the news. After rescuing the animals from Arche de Noël, thanks to our investigation, this time it was dogs intended to be used for hunting. From an early age, they are trained to attack wild boars; in other words, they are initiated into cruel farm hunting, a practice that we have already condemned and which we have demanded a ban on. Taking pleasure in watching dogs that are overexcited beforehand, who have undoubtedly been shut up for days before finally being able to get out of their cages or hutches, observing them terrorising wild boars and attacking dying individuals. All of a sudden, big red stains and gobbling up pieces of barbecued animals. What a wonderful ‘passion’!

Breeding and penned hunting: far from the renowned ‘regulations’, it is used to cause suffering for pleasure here

This organisation also seems to breed wild boars, since videos show an animal trapped in an enclosure, cornered and frightened, accompanied by this comment: “as it's her first outing and given her age it should be promising” (sic).

On the Internet, the horror is paired with dismay as acts are unbearable and the comments are filled with frivolity and mockery. A bloody head thrown to a puppy? “First contact, not even afraid😀 (sic). Several dogs attacking the body of a still warm animal? “It’s a pleasing message” (sic).

For those who were still in doubt, these recordings confirm that hunting is nothing but cruel entertainment, consisting of enjoying animals’ agony.

Accused of all evils, wild boars are hunted, trapped, and killed throughout the year in the name of so-called regulation. And yet hunters themselves breed thousands of them every year in order to release them… so that they can slaughter them. The absurdity of this situation would be almost laughable if the consequences were not so dramatic.

No equality for ‘hunting’ dogs

For years, we have been condemning the living conditions of dogs exploited for hunting. This activity, used as a special favour, justifies all of the abuse that hunters subject them to: shock collars, enclosing them in kennels with extreme temperatures, and chaining them up or abandoning them in barns where they wade through their own excrement. Their living conditions reveal a total lack of respect, all in the name of a bloodthirsty “hobby”.

Sign our petition so that dogs intended to be used for hunting will finally be protected as they should be. Call for a radical reform on hunting with us.

Translated from the French by Joely Justice

Cléa Capelli
Hr blog

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Comments 40

I accept that publication of my comments is subject to the code of conduct.

Moi | Monday 11 December 2023

Quand on ne connait pas on n’invente pas. Allez plutôt vous occuper de causes bien plus graves…..

Zanimo | Monday 11 December 2023

Ces dégénérés prospèrent dans une société lobotomisée soutenue par des hommes politiques de plus en plus vicieux, corrompus, indifférents, soucieux uniquement de leurs propres intérêts. Et au vu de ce qui se passe dans le monde… à qui le tour ?

Zorrorousse | Monday 11 December 2023

Abject !!
Des sanguinaires, des tueurs!!
Une honte, stop à cette barbarie.
Tout être vivant a un cœur, et doit pouvoir vivre sa vie tranquillement.
STOP à la chasse, et que les tueurs arrêtent de parler de régulation.

Catherine | Sunday 10 December 2023