Stop the use of macaques in laboratories Stop the use of macaques in laboratories

Stop the use of macaques in laboratories

The situation

Every year, thousands of primates are used in French laboratories.

These include baboons, vervets, microcebes, marmosets, squirrel monkeys and, above all, macaques. Among them, long-tailed macaques are the most vulnerable.

Attn: Ministère de la Recherche, Ministère de l’Agriculture, FC3R, Comité national de réflexion éthique sur l’expérimentation animale and Silabe / Université de Strasbourg

Even today, individuals are captured in their natural environment to supply the farms that sell their young to laboratories around the world. Although international organizations were already sounding the alarm about these practices twenty years ago, practices have not changed and this species was declared “endangered” by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) in 2022.

Most of the long-tailed macaques used in France come from these farms in Mauritius and Vietnam (and, to a lesser extent, Cambodia and Indonesia). Many pass through the Silabe primatology center at Strasbourg University, which is at the heart of the European trade in these animals.

In the laboratories, these animals endure a wide range of sufferings: various samples, cranial implants, water restriction, “restraint chairs” in which they can barely move… All this is unacceptable!

I, the undersigned, request with One Voice :

that the Silabe primatology center and the University of Strasbourg undertake to stop importing and trading in long-tailed macaques;
that the national authorities assume their responsibilities and implement appropriate measures to put an end to the import, trade and use of long-tailed macaques in France and the European Union.

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