Let's save our orcas they need a sanctuary not to be kept captive in japan
Marineland plans to send Wikie and Keijo to Japan, where a water park is being rebuilt.
The dolphinarium has a responsibility towards the orcas born captive in its tanks. It cannot ignore the fact that they are in poor health, as Dr. Ingrid Visser, a biologist who studies orcas, has testified in two reports produced for One Voice.
The State also has responsibilities towards orcas who were born and have lived their entire lives on its territory. Especially since, in 2020, the French Ministry of Ecology announced the end of orca captivity by 2030, pledging to consider proposed sanctuary solutions.
In Japan, Wikie and Keijo would continue to be cruelly exploited until their deaths, instead of finally enjoying a real life in a marine sanctuary.
We, the undersigned, support One Voice’s request to the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, to intercede with Marineland and its parent company Parques Reunidos to prevent the French orcas from being sent to Japan.
Marineland must facilitate the transfer of Wikie and Keijo to a sanctuary, a project from which the park will emerge greater.
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