Victory: The State Council suspends the decree authorizing the hunting of wild geese in February!
2018, Nicolas Hulot had stood firm against the National Federation of
Hunters: the hunting period of wild geese had not been extended in
February. Yet this year, the new Minister of Ecological and
Solidarity Transition, François de Rugy, gave them this mortifying
gift. The number of advanced geese is only a false pretext to allow
hunters to indulge their past time.
European directive, respected by all European countries except
France, requires that the authorized hunting season stops at the end
of January. More than 10,000 wild geese are killed in flight. By what
right does France arrogate to itself the right to slaughter 4,000
additional individuals, who are only migrating through our skies?
hearing the arguments from One Voice during an emergency hearing on
February 5th, the State Council decided: that it suspends this order
today, Wednesday, February 6th,
2019 !
Muriel Arnal, Founding
President of One Voice, says: